Standard Versus Intensity-Modulated Pelvic Radiation Therapy in Treating Patients With Endometrial or Cervical Cancer

Status:Active, not recruiting
Conditions:Cervical Cancer, Cervical Cancer, Cervical Cancer, Cancer, Cancer, Other Indications, Hospital, Women's Studies, Gastrointestinal, Endometrial Cancer
Therapuetic Areas:Gastroenterology, Oncology, Other, Reproductive
Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:November 2012

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A Randomized Phase III Study of Standard vs. IMRT Pelvic Radiation for Post-Operative Treatment of Endometrial and Cervical Cancer (TIME-C)

RATIONALE: Radiation therapy uses high-energy x-rays and other types of radiation to kill
tumor cells. Specialized radiation therapy that delivers a high dose of radiation directly to
the tumor may kill more tumor cells and cause less damage to normal tissue.

PURPOSE: This randomized phase III trial is studying two different methods of radiation and
their side effects and comparing how well they work in treating endometrial and cervical
cancer after surgery.



- To determine if pelvic intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) reduces acute
gastrointestinal toxicity in the 5th week (after 23-25 fractions) of pelvic radiation as
measured with the expanded prostate cancer index composite (EPIC) instrument.


- To determine if grade 2+ gastrointestinal toxicity (Common Terminology Criteria for
Adverse Events version 4.0 [CTCAE v. 4.0]) is reduced with IMRT compared to conventional
whole-pelvis radiation therapy (WPRT).

- To determine if grade 2+ hematologic toxicity (CTCAE v. 4.0) is reduced with IMRT
compared to conventional WPRT.

- To determine if urinary toxicity is reduced with IMRT using the EPIC urinary domain.

- To validate EPIC bowel and urinary domains in women undergoing either IMRT pelvic
radiation treatment or four-field pelvic radiation treatment for endometrial or cervical

- To assess the impact of pelvic IMRT on quality of life using the Functional Assessment
of Cancer Therapy-General (FACT-G) with cervix subscale.

- To determine if there is any difference in local-regional control, disease-free
survival, and overall survival between patients treated with IMRT as compared to
conventional WPRT.

- To perform a health-utilities analysis to measure the financial impact of pelvic IMRT
via the EQ-5D instrument.

- To identify molecular predictors of radiation toxicity and novel circulating cancer

OUTLINE: This is a multicenter study. Patients are stratified according to type of cancer
(endometrial vs cervical), chemotherapy (none vs 5 courses of weekly cisplatin at 40 mg/m²),
and radiation dose (45 Gy vs 50.4 Gy). Patients are randomized to 1 of 2 treatment arms.

- Arm I: Patients undergo standard (3-dimensional) radiation therapy 5 days a week for up
to 5-6 weeks.

- Arm II: Patients undergo intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) 5 days a week for
up to 5-6 weeks.

Some patients receive cisplatin IV over 1 hour on day 1. Treatment continues weekly for 5
weeks, concurrently with radiation therapy, in the absence of unacceptable toxicity or
disease progression.

Tissue and blood samples may be collected for biomarker and correlative analysis.

Quality of life may be assessed by questionnaires (including the Expanded Prostate Cancer
Index Composite [EPIC], the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-General [FACT-G, Version
4], the EQ-5D, and the Common Toxicity Criteria Adverse Events - Patient-Reported Outcome
[PRO-CTCAE]) instruments at baseline and periodically during and after study therapy.

After completion of study therapy, patients are followed every 6 months for the first 2 years
and then annually for 5 years.

Inclusion criteria:

1. Pathologically proven diagnosis of endometrial or cervical cancer.

2. Patients must have undergone a hysterectomy (total abdominal hysterectomy, vaginal
hysterectomy or radical hysterectomy or total laparoscopic hysterectomy) for carcinoma
of the cervix or endometrium within 49 days prior to registration. Performance of a
bilateral salpingooophorectomy will be at the treating surgeon's discretion.

3. Appropriate stage for protocol entry, including no distant metastases, based upon the
following minimum diagnostic workup:

- 3.1 History/physical examination within 45 days prior to registration;

- 3.2 CT, MRI or positron emission tomography - computed tomography (PET-CT)
including the abdomen and pelvis should be performed for initial radiological
staging. This may be performed pre- or post-surgery within 90 days prior to
registration. Imaging performed post-operatively should show no evidence of
residual disease. Any evidence of malignancy identified on pre-operative imaging
should have been completely resected surgically prior to protocol treatment.

- 3.3 Chest CT or chest x-ray must be performed within 90 days prior to
registration (unless a PET-CT has been performed)

4. Zubrod Performance Status 0-2

5. Age ≥ 18;

6. Complete blood count (CBC)/differential obtained within 14 days prior to registration
on study, with adequate bone marrow function defined as follows:

- 6.1 Absolute neutrophil count (ANC) ≥ 1,500 cells/mm3;

- 6.2 Platelets ≥ 100,000 cells/mm3;

- 6.3 Hemoglobin ≥ 8.0 g/dl (Note: The use of transfusion or other intervention to
achieve Hgb ≥ 8.0 g/dl is acceptable.)

7. For patients receiving chemotherapy:

7.1 Within 14 days prior to registration, serum creatinine ≤ 1.5 mg/dL and calculated
creatinine clearance ≥ 50 cc/min. Both tests must be within these limits. The creatinine
clearance should be calculated using the Cockcroft-Gault formula: (See Section 7.3.1) 7.2
Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) ≤ 2 x upper limit of normal (ULN) 7.3 Bilirubin ≤ 2 x ULN
7.4 Alkaline phosphatase, Mg, blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and electrolytes must be obtained
and recorded 8 Endometrial Cancer: 8.1 Patients with the following histologic features are
eligible for pelvic radiation therapy without weekly cisplatin:

- <50% myometrial invasion, grade 3 adenocarcinoma without uterine serous carcinoma
(USC) or clear cell histology

- ≥50% myometrial invasion grade 1-2 adenocarcinoma without USC or clear cell histology
8.2 Patients with the following histologic features may be treated with pelvic
radiation with or without weekly cisplatin. The decision to add weekly cisplatin for
these patients is at the treating physician's discretion:

- ≥50% myometrial invasion, grade 3 including USC and clear cell carcinoma.

- International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) 2009 stage II endometrial
cancer of any grade including USC and clear cell carcinoma.

- FIGO 2009 IIIC1 (pelvic lymph node positive only, para-aortic nodes negative if
removed) including USC and clear cell carcinoma. Note: If para-aortic nodes are not
removed, CT abdomen or PET CT must demonstrate no evidence of lymphadenopathy. 9.
Cervical Cancer: 9.1 Patients with the following pathology findings may be treated
with pelvic radiation with or without weekly cisplatin at the treating physician's
discretion. The decision to add weekly cisplatin for these patients is at the treating
physician's discretion. 9.1.1 Patients with intermediate risk features including two
of the following histologic findings after radical hysterectomy:

- 1/3 or more stromal invasion

- Lymph-vascular space invasion

- Large clinical tumor diameter (> 4 cm) 9.1.2 Patients with cervical cancer treated
with a simple hysterectomy with negative margins 9.2 Patients with any of the
following criteria following radical hysterectomy are eligible for this study and must
receive weekly cisplatin:

- Positive resected pelvic nodes and para-aortic nodes negative if removed. Note: If
para-aortic nodes are not removed, CT abdomen or PET CT must demonstrate no evidence
of lymphadenopathy.

- Microscopic parametrial invasion with negative margins. 10. Patient must provide study
specific informed consent prior to study entry. 11. Willingness and ability to
complete the bowel and urinary domains of the EPIC prior to registration

Exclusion criteria:

1. Patients with para-aortic nodal disease or who require extended field radiotherapy
beyond the pelvis.

2. Patients with histology consisting of endometrial stromal sarcoma, leiomyosarcoma or
malignant mixed mullerian mixed tumor (MMMT or carcinosarcoma)

3. Patients who exceed the weight/size limits of the treatment table or CT scanner.

4. Mental status changes or bladder control problems that make the patient unable to
comply with bladder-filling instructions.

5. Patients with evidence of metastatic disease outside of the pelvis.

6. Patients with positive or close (< 3 mm) resection margins

7. Prior invasive malignancy (except non-melanomatous skin cancer) unless disease free
for a minimum of 3 years.

8. Prior radiation therapy to the pelvis

9. Patients with active inflammatory bowel disease. 10 Severe, active co-morbidity,
defined as follows:

- 10.1 Unstable angina and/or congestive heart failure requiring hospitalization
within the last 6 months

- 10.2 Transmural myocardial infarction within the last 6 months

- 10.3 Acute bacterial or fungal infection requiring intravenous antibiotics at the
time of registration

- 10.4 Other major medical illness which requires hospitalization or precludes
study therapy at the time of registration

- 10.5 Hepatic insufficiency resulting in clinical jaundice and/or coagulation
defects; note, however,that laboratory test coagulation parameters are not
required for entry into this protocol

- 10.6 Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) based upon current Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) definition; note, however, that HIV testing
is not required for entry into this protocol. The need to exclude patients with
AIDS from this protocol is necessary because the treatments involved in this
protocol may be significantly immunosuppressive. Protocol-specific requirements
may also exclude immunocompromised patients.

11. Patients with prior treatment with platinum-based chemotherapy 12. Women who are
We found this trial at
Hammond, Indiana 46320
Principal Investigator: Robert D. Prock
Phone: 708-891-9305
Hammond, IN
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75 Francis street
Boston, Massachusetts 02115
(617) 732-5500
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Phone: 617-724-5200
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Gainesville, Florida 32610
(352) 392-3261
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University of Florida The University of Florida (UF) is a major, public, comprehensive, land-grant, research...
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2500 Campus Rd
Honolulu, Hawaii 96822
(808) 956-8111
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Univ of Hawaii Honolulu Community College is an integral part of the University of Hawai?i,...
Honolulu, HI
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2279 45th Street
Sacramento, California 95817
(916) 734-5800
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University of California Davis Cancer Center At UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center, specialized teams of...
Sacramento, CA
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4502 Medical Drive
San Antonio, Texas 78284
(210) 567-7000
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University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio The University of Texas Health Science...
San Antonio, TX
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91-2135 Fort Weaver Road
'Ewa Beach, Hawaii 96706
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1200 Old York Road
Abington, Pennsylvania 19001
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Akron, Ohio 44304
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Phone: 330-375-6101
Akron, OH
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Albuquerque, New Mexico 87131
(505) 277-0111
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Phone: 505-272-6972
University of New Mexico Founded in 1889 as New Mexico’s flagship institution, the University of...
Albuquerque, NM
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1111 Duff Ave
Ames, Iowa 50010
(866) 972-5477
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Ames, IA
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Anderson, Indiana 46016
Principal Investigator: Maria J. Valente
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Anderson, IN
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5301 McAuley Drive
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48197
Principal Investigator: Samir Narayan
Phone: 734-712-4673
Saint Joseph Mercy Hospital St. Joseph Mercy Ann Arbor Hospital is a 537-bed teaching hospital...
Ann Arbor, MI
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1968 Peachtree Rd NW
Atlanta, Georgia 30309
(404) 605-5000
Principal Investigator: Adam W. Nowlan
Phone: 404-425-7943
Piedmont Hospital For more than a century, Piedmont Healthcare has been a recognized leader in...
Atlanta, GA
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Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Principal Investigator: Joseph W. Shelton
Phone: 404-489-9164
Atlanta, GA
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1000 Johnson Ferry Rd NE
Atlanta, Georgia 30342
(404) 851-8000
Principal Investigator: Sahar E. Rosenbaum
Phone: 404-303-3355
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Atlanta, GA
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Atlanta, Georgia 30322
Principal Investigator: Joseph W. Shelton
Phone: 404-489-9164
Atlanta, GA
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13001 E. 17th Pl.
Aurora, Colorado 80045
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Aurora, CO
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2401 W Belvedere Ave
Baltimore, Maryland 21215
(410) 601-9000
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Baltimore, MD
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6701 N Charles St
Baltimore, Maryland 21204
(443) 849-2000
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Baltimore, MD
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155 5th St NE
Barberton, Ohio 44203
(330) 615-3000
Principal Investigator: Charles A. Kunos
Phone: 330-375-6101
Summa Barberton Hospital Summa Barberton Hospital is a full member of Summa Health System and...
Barberton, OH
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Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70809
Principal Investigator: Robert W. Veith
Phone: 504-568-2428
Baton Rouge, LA
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1300 Anne Street NW
Bemidji, Minnesota 56601
(218) 751-5430
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Bemidji, MN
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801 North 29th Street
Billings, Montana 59107
Principal Investigator: Benjamin T. Marchello
Phone: 800-648-6274
Billings Clinic Based in Billings, Montana, Billings Clinic is a community-governed health care organization consisting...
Billings, MT
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300 N. Seventh St.
Bismarck, North Dakota 58501
(701) 323-6000
Principal Investigator: Preston D. Steen
Phone: 701-234-6161
Sanford Bismarck Medical Center Whether your stay in our hospital is one day for same...
Bismarck, ND
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Boise, Idaho 83706
Principal Investigator: Samir Narayan
Phone: 734-712-4673
Boise, ID
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450 Brookline Ave
Boston, Massachusetts 2215
Principal Investigator: Akila N. Viswanathan
Phone: 617-724-5200
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Since it’s founding in 1947, Dana-Farber has been committed to providing adults...
Boston, MA
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Boston, Massachusetts 02118
Principal Investigator: Lisa A. Kachnic
Phone: 617-638-8265
Boston, MA
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Chardon, Ohio 44024
Principal Investigator: Rodney J. Ellis
Phone: 800-641-2422
Chardon, OH
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171 Ashley Avenue
Charleston, South Carolina 29425
Principal Investigator: Samuel L. Cooper
Phone: 843-792-9321
Medical University of South Carolina The Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) has grown from...
Charleston, SC
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1969 W Ogden Ave
Chicago, Illinois 60612
(312) 864-6000
Principal Investigator: Anu Thakrar
Phone: 312-864-6000
John H. Stroger, Jr. Hospital of Cook County The Level 1 Trauma Center is one...
Chicago, IL
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1200 West Harrison Stree
Chicago, Illinois 60607
(312) 996-4350
Univ of Illinois A major research university in the heart of one of the world's...
Chicago, IL
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Chicago, Illinois 60630
Principal Investigator: Paige L. Dorn
Phone: 773-296-5360
Chicago, IL
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303 East Superior Street
Chicago, Illinois 60611
Principal Investigator: Eric D. Donnelly
Phone: 312-695-1301
Chicago, IL
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10900 Euclid Ave
Cleveland, Ohio 44106
Principal Investigator: Tracy Sherertz
Phone: 800-641-2422
Case Western Reserve Univ Continually ranked among America's best colleges, Case Western Reserve University has...
Cleveland, OH
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12495 University Ave
Clive, Iowa 50325
(515) 358-9700
Principal Investigator: Robert J. Behrens
Phone: 888-244-6061
Mercy Cancer Center - West Lakes When it comes to cancer care, there
Clive, IA
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6001 E Woodmen Rd
Colorado Springs, Colorado 80923
(719) 776-5000
Principal Investigator: Keren Sturtz
Phone: 888-785-6789
Penrose-Saint Francis Healthcare Founded by the Sisters of St. Francis and the Sisters of Charity,...
Colorado Springs, CO
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3100 Plaza Properties Blvd
Columbus, Ohio 43219
(614) 383-6000
Principal Investigator: John P. Kuebler
Phone: 800-446-5532
The Mark H. Zangmeister Center At The Zangmeister Center, we appreciate that our patients have...
Columbus, OH
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Cumming, Georgia 30041
Principal Investigator: Sahar E. Rosenbaum
Phone: 404-303-3355
Cumming, GA
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1801 Inwood Rd
Dallas, Texas 75390
(214) 645-3300
Principal Investigator: Kevin V. Albuquerque
Phone: 214-648-7097
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center UT Southwestern is an academic medical center, world-renowned for...
Dallas, TX
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2525 S Downing St
Denver, Colorado 80210
(303) 778-1955
Principal Investigator: Keren Sturtz
Phone: 888-785-6789
Porter Adventist Hospital Founded in 1930, Porter Adventist Hospital has provided people throughout Denver and...
Denver, CO
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1111 6th Ave
Des Moines, Iowa 50314
(515) 247-3121
Principal Investigator: Robert J. Behrens
Phone: 888-244-6061
Mercy Medical Center - Des Moines Mercy Medical Center
Des Moines, IA
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1200 Pleasant St
Des Moines, Iowa 50309
(515) 241-6212
Principal Investigator: Robert J. Behrens
Phone: 888-244-6061
Iowa Methodist Medical Center Iowa Methodist Medical Center was established in 1901 in a single...
Des Moines, IA
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4160 John R St #2122
Detroit, Michigan 48201
(313) 833-1785
Wayne State University/Karmanos Cancer Institute Karmanos is based in southeast Michigan, in midtown Detroit, and...
Detroit, MI
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22101 Moross Rd
Detroit, Michigan 48236
(313) 343-4000
Principal Investigator: Samir Narayan
Phone: 734-712-4673
Saint John Hospital and Medical Center Founded in 1952, St. John Hospital and Medical Center...
Detroit, MI
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Dyer, Indiana 46311
Principal Investigator: Robert D. Prock
Phone: 708-891-9305
Dyer, IN
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501 E. Hampden Ave.
Englewood, Colorado 80113
Principal Investigator: Keren Sturtz
Phone: 888-785-6789
Englewood, CO
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Federal Way, Washington 98003
Principal Investigator: Huong T. Pham
Phone: 800-354-9527
Federal Way, WA
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Fort Wayne, Indiana 46804
Principal Investigator: Brian K. Chang
Phone: 260-373-8888
Fort Wayne, IN
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Fresno, California 93720
Principal Investigator: Uma G. Swamy
Phone: 559-447-4050
Fresno, CA
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743 Spring St NE
Gainesville, Georgia 30501
Principal Investigator: Frank G. Lake
Phone: 770-219-8800
Northeast Georgia Medical Center Northeast Georgia Health System (NGHS) is a not-for-profit community health system...
Gainesville, GA
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Gilbert, Arizona 85234
Principal Investigator: Emily J. Grade
Phone: 602-747-9738
Gilbert, AZ
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Grand Rapids, Michigan 49503
Principal Investigator: Gilbert D. Padula
Phone: 616-685-5225
Grand Rapids, MI
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100 Michigan St NE
Grand Rapids, Michigan 49503
(616) 391-1774
Principal Investigator: Gilbert D. Padula
Phone: 616-685-5225
Spectrum Health at Butterworth Campus Butterworth Hospital is one of four facilities that make up...
Grand Rapids, MI
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2845 Greenbrier Rd
Green Bay, Wisconsin 54311
(920) 288-8000
Principal Investigator: David C. Rohde
Phone: 800-252-2990
Aurora BayCare Medical Center Aurora BayCare Medical Center is a 167-bed, full-service hospital serving the...
Green Bay, WI
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Greenwood, South Carolina 29646
Principal Investigator: Samuel L. Cooper
Phone: 843-792-9321
Greenwood, SC
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1 Ingalls Dr
Harvey, Illinois 60426
(708) 333-2300
Principal Investigator: Sulochana D. Yalavarthi
Phone: 708-915-4673
Ingalls Memorial Hospital As the area's only independent not-for-profit healthcare system, Ingalls has the ability...
Harvey, IL
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1301 Punchbowl St
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
(808) 538-9011
Principal Investigator: Paul A. DeMare
Phone: 808-545-8548
Queen's Medical Center The Queen's Medical Center, located in downtown Honolulu, Hawaii, is a private,...
Honolulu, HI
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Honolulu, Hawaii 96817
Principal Investigator: Paul A. DeMare
Phone: 808-545-8548
Honolulu, HI
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Houston, Texas 77030
Principal Investigator: Ann H. Klopp
Phone: 713-792-3245
Houston, TX
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Houston, Texas 77030
Houston, TX
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Huntington, West Virginia 25701
Principal Investigator: Maria R. Tria Tirona
Phone: 304-399-6617
Huntington, WV
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Jacksonville, Florida 32209
Principal Investigator: Anamaria R. Yeung
Phone: 352-273-8675
Jacksonville, FL
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Click here to add this to my saved trials
3855 Health Sciences Dr,
La Jolla, California 92093
(858) 822-6100
UC San Diego Moores Cancer Center Established in 1978, UC San Diego Moores Cancer Center...
La Jolla, CA
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Littleton, Colorado 80120
Principal Investigator: Keren Sturtz
Phone: 888-785-6789
Littleton, CO
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500 E 1400 N
Logan, Utah 84341
(435) 716-1000
Principal Investigator: R. J. Lee
Phone: 801-507-3950
Logan Regional Hospital Logan Regional Hospital is a nonprofit, full-service regional medical center and level...
Logan, UT
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1950 Mountain View Ave
Longmont, Colorado 80501
(303) 651-5111
Principal Investigator: Keren Sturtz
Phone: 888-785-6789
Longmont United Hospital Healthcare at Longmont United Hospital is more than treating a patient's physical...
Longmont, CO
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2000 N Boise Ave
Loveland, Colorado 80538
(970) 669-4640
Principal Investigator: Keren Sturtz
Phone: 888-785-6789
McKee Medical Center Through the years, McKee has led the way in health care innovation....
Loveland, CO
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295 Varnum Ave
Lowell, Massachusetts 01854
(978) 937-6000
Principal Investigator: Akila N. Viswanathan
Phone: 617-724-5200
Lowell General Hospital Welcome to Lowell General Hospital! Our goal is to provide you with...
Lowell, MA
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Medina, Ohio 44256
Principal Investigator: Charles A. Kunos
Phone: 330-375-6101
Medina, OH
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9485 Mentor Ave
Mentor, Ohio 44060
(440) 205-5755
Principal Investigator: Rodney J. Ellis
Phone: 800-641-2422
Lake University Ireland Cancer Center Lake Health is a private, not-for-profit leader in community health...
Mentor, OH
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Miami, Florida 33136
Principal Investigator: Lorraine Portelance
Phone: 866-574-5124
Miami, FL
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Miami, Florida 33136
Principal Investigator: Lorraine Portelance
Phone: 866-574-5124
Miami, FL
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Middleburg Heights, Ohio 44130
Principal Investigator: Rodney J. Ellis
Phone: 800-641-2422
Middleburg Heights, OH
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Milford, Massachusetts 01757
Principal Investigator: Akila N. Viswanathan
Phone: 617-724-5200
Milford, MA
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Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53215
Principal Investigator: David C. Rohde
Phone: 800-252-2990
Milwaukee, WI
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175 Madison Avenue
Mount Holly, New Jersey 08060
(609) 914-6000
Principal Investigator: Lemuel S. Ariaratnam
Phone: 888-847-8823
Fox Chase Cancer Center at Virtua Memorial Hospital of Burlington County Virtua Memorial is a...
Mount Holly, NJ
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5121 S Cottonwood St
Murray, Utah 84157
(801) 507-7000
Principal Investigator: R. J. Lee
Phone: 801-507-3950
Intermountain Medical Center Intermountain Medical Center is one of the most technologically advanced and patient-friendly...
Murray, UT
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270-05 76th Ave
New Hyde Park, New York 11040
(718) 470-7480
Principal Investigator: Beatrice F. Bloom
Phone: 516-734-8900
Long Island Jewish Medical Center Serving North Shore LIJ Health System employees and their families....
New Hyde Park, NY
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New Hyde Park, New York 11040
Principal Investigator: Beatrice F. Bloom
Phone: 516-734-8900
New Hyde Park, NY
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New Orleans, Louisiana 70121
Principal Investigator: Mini J. Elnaggar
Phone: 888-562-4763
New Orleans, LA
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4755 Ogletown-Stanton Road
Newark, Delaware 19718
Principal Investigator: Adam Raben
Phone: 302-733-6227
Christiana Care Health System - Christiana Hospital A 913-bed, 1.3-million-square-foot, modern facility in Newark, Delaware,...
Newark, DE
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Oakland, California 94611
Principal Investigator: Samantha A. Seaward
Phone: 626-564-3455
Oakland, CA
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940 NE 13th St
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73190
(405) 271-6458
Principal Investigator: Terence S. Herman
Phone: 405-271-4272
University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center The OU Health Sciences Center is composed of seven...
Oklahoma City, OK
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4242 Dewey Ave
Omaha, Nebraska 68105
(800) 922-0000
Principal Investigator: Andrew O. Wahl
Phone: 800-999-5465
Nebraska Medical Center Formed in 1997 by combining the operations of University Hospital, Bishop Clarkson...
Omaha, NE
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1100 West Stewart Drive
Orange, California 92868
Principal Investigator: Venita L. Williams
Phone: 714-734-6220
Orange, CA
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Orange Village, Ohio 44122
Principal Investigator: Rodney J. Ellis
Phone: 800-641-2422
Orange Village, OH
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255 W Lancaster Ave
Paoli, Pennsylvania 19301
(484) 565-1000
Principal Investigator: Albert S. DeNittis
Phone: 866-225-5654
Paoli Memorial Hospital Paoli is recognized regionally and nationally for outstanding medical and surgical services,...
Paoli, PA
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Paradise, California 95969
Principal Investigator: Sam Mazj
Phone: 530-876-7995
Paradise, CA
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Pennington, New Jersey 08534
Principal Investigator: Shirnett K. Williamson
Phone: 800-255-3440
Pennington, NJ
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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103
Principal Investigator: Ann H. Klopp
Philadelphia, PA
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Phoenix, Arizona 85027
Principal Investigator: David G. Brachman
Phone: 800-360-6371
Phoenix, AZ
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Pomona, California 91767
Principal Investigator: Yallapragada S. Rao
Phone: 909-865-9555
Pomona, CA
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1805 27th St
Portsmouth, Ohio 45662
(740) 356-5000
Principal Investigator: John P. Kuebler
Phone: 800-446-5532
Southern Ohio Medical Center Southern Ohio Medical Center (SOMC) is a 222-bed 501(C)(3) not-for-profit hospital...
Portsmouth, OH
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Rancho Cordova, California 95670
Rancho Cordova, CA
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353 Fairmont Blvd
Rapid City, South Dakota 57701
(605) 719-1000
Principal Investigator: Michael J. Swartz
Phone: 605-716-3982
Rapid City Regional Hospital Regional Health is an integrated health care system of more than...
Rapid City, SD
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Rehoboth Beach, Delaware 19971
Principal Investigator: Adam Raben
Phone: 302-733-6227
Rehoboth Beach, DE
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Rohnert Park, California 94928
Principal Investigator: Samantha A. Seaward
Phone: 626-564-3455
Rohnert Park, CA
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Roseville, California 95678
Principal Investigator: Samantha A. Seaward
Phone: 626-564-3455
Roseville, CA
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Sacramento, California 95823
Principal Investigator: Samantha A. Seaward
Phone: 626-564-3455
Sacramento, CA
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