Enroll -HD: A Prospective Registry Study in a Global Huntington's Disease Cohort
Status: | Recruiting |
Conditions: | Neurology |
Therapuetic Areas: | Neurology |
Healthy: | No |
Age Range: | 18 - Any |
Updated: | 4/4/2019 |
Start Date: | July 2012 |
End Date: | January 2062 |
Contact: | Qura Ain |
Email: | Info@Enroll-HD.org |
Phone: | (609) 945-9054 |
Enroll-HD is a longitudinal, observational, multinational study that will integrate two
existing Huntington's Disease (HD) registries, REGISTRY in Europe and COHORT in North America
and Australia, while also expanding to include sites in Latin America and Asia. With no end
date and annual assessments, the goal of Enroll-HD is to build a large and rich database of
longitudinal clinical information and biospecimens. This database will serve as a basis for
future studies aimed at developing tools and biomarkers for progression and prognosis,
identifying clinically relevant phenotypic characteristics, and establishing clearly defined
endpoints for interventional studies.
existing Huntington's Disease (HD) registries, REGISTRY in Europe and COHORT in North America
and Australia, while also expanding to include sites in Latin America and Asia. With no end
date and annual assessments, the goal of Enroll-HD is to build a large and rich database of
longitudinal clinical information and biospecimens. This database will serve as a basis for
future studies aimed at developing tools and biomarkers for progression and prognosis,
identifying clinically relevant phenotypic characteristics, and establishing clearly defined
endpoints for interventional studies.
The primary objective of Enroll-HD is to develop a comprehensive repository of prospective
and systematically collected clinical research data (demography, clinical features, family
history, genetic characteristics) and biological specimens (blood) from individuals with
manifest HD, unaffected individuals known to carry the HD mutation or at risk of carrying the
HD mutation, and control research participants (e.g., spouses, siblings or offspring of HD
mutation carriers known not to carry the HD mutation). Enroll-HD is conceived as a
broad-based and long-term project to maximize the efficiencies of non-clinical research and
participation in clinical research. With over 200 sites in roughly 30 countries, Enroll HD
will be the largest database available for HD researchers.
and systematically collected clinical research data (demography, clinical features, family
history, genetic characteristics) and biological specimens (blood) from individuals with
manifest HD, unaffected individuals known to carry the HD mutation or at risk of carrying the
HD mutation, and control research participants (e.g., spouses, siblings or offspring of HD
mutation carriers known not to carry the HD mutation). Enroll-HD is conceived as a
broad-based and long-term project to maximize the efficiencies of non-clinical research and
participation in clinical research. With over 200 sites in roughly 30 countries, Enroll HD
will be the largest database available for HD researchers.
Inclusion Criteria:
- Carriers: This group comprises the primary study population and consists of
individuals who carry the HD gene expansion mutation.
- Controls: This group comprises the comparator study population and consists of
individuals who do not carry the HD expansion mutation.
These two major categories can be further subdivided into six different subgroups of
eligible individuals:
- Manifest/Motor-manifest HD: Carriers with clinical features that are regarded in the
opinion of the investigator as diagnostic of HD.
- Pre-Manifest/-Motor-manifest HD: Carriers without clinical features regarded as
diagnostic of HD.
- Genotype Unknown: This group includes a first or second degree relative, i.e., related
by blood to a carrier, who has not undergone predictive testing for HD and therefore
has an undetermined carrier status.
- Genotype Negative: This group includes a first or second degree relative, i.e.,
related by blood to a carrier, who has undergone predictive testing for HD and is
known not to carry the HD expansion mutation.
- Family Control: Family members or individuals not related by blood to carriers (e.g.,
spouses, partners, caregivers).
- Community Controls: Individuals unrelated to HD carriers who did not grow up in a
family affected by HD. Data collected from community controls will be used for
generation of normative data for sub-studies.
Participant status will be captured in the study database using 2 variables: 1)
Investigator Determined Status: this will be based on clinical signs and symptoms and
genotyping performed as part of medical care, and will be updated at every visit and 2)
Research Genotyping Status: this will be based on genotyping conducted as part of Enroll-HD
study procedures. Based on research genotyping, participants will be reclassified under
this variable from Genotype Unknown to 'Carriers' or 'Controls'. Investigators and
participants will be blinded to this reclassification.
Exclusion Criteria:
- Individuals who do not meet inclusion criteria,
- Individuals with choreic movement disorders in the context of a negative test for the
HD gene mutation.
- For Community Controls: those individuals with a major central nervous system disorder
will be excluded (e.g. stroke, Parkinson disease, Multiple Sclerosis, etc.).
Participants under 18 may be eligible to participate (if they have juvenile-onset HD).
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101 Jessup Hall
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1211 Medical Center Dr
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Nashville, Tennessee 37232
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116th St and Broadway
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New York, New York 10027
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4200 Fifth Ave
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15260
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15260
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60 Crittenden Blvd # 70
Rochester, New York 14642
Rochester, New York 14642
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201 Presidents Circle
Salt Lake City, Utah 84108
Salt Lake City, Utah 84108
801) 581-7200

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Phone: 801-581-4543
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47 New Scotland Ave
Albany, New York 12208
Albany, New York 12208
(518) 262-3125

Principal Investigator: Era Hanspal, MD
Phone: 518-262-5938
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500 S State St
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109
(734) 764-1817

Principal Investigator: Noelle Carlozzi
Phone: 734-764-0644
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Atlanta, Georgia 30329
Principal Investigator: Stewart Factor
Phone: 404-728-4786
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1459 Laney-Walker Blvd
Augusta, Georgia 30901
Augusta, Georgia 30901
(706) 721-3052

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Phone: 706-721-4152
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655 West Baltimore Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21201
Baltimore, Maryland 21201
(410) 706-7410

University of Maryland School of Medicine Established in 1807, The School of Medicine is the...
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Birmingham, Alabama 35294
Principal Investigator: Victor Sung, MD
Phone: 205-996-2807
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1 Boston Medical Center Place
Boston, Massachusetts 02118
Boston, Massachusetts 02118

Principal Investigator: Marie-Saint Hillaire
Phone: 617-638-7745
Boston University Medical Center Boston Medical Center is an extraordinary community of health care providers...
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Click here to add this to my saved trials

1 Cooper Plaza
Camden, New Jersey 08103
Camden, New Jersey 08103
(856) 342-2000

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Phone: 856-968-7563
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Charlottesville, Virginia 22903
(434) 924-0311

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1653 W. Congress Parkway
Chicago, Illinois 60612
Chicago, Illinois 60612
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2600 Clifton Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio 45220
Cincinnati, Ohio 45220
Principal Investigator: Andrew Duker
Phone: 513-558-0169
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Columbia, South Carolina 29208
Principal Investigator: MIROSLAV CUTURIC
Phone: 803-545-6104
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281 W. Lane Ave
Columbus, Ohio 43210
Columbus, Ohio 43210
(614) 292-6446

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Ohio State University The Ohio State University’s main Columbus campus is one of America’s largest...
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Englewood, Colorado 80113
Principal Investigator: Rajeev Kumar, MD
Phone: 303-762-6674
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Farmington, Connecticut 06030
Principal Investigator: Kevin Manning
Phone: 860-679-4418
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Gainesville, Florida 32611
Principal Investigator: Nikolaus McFarland, MD, PHD
Phone: 352-273-6003
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Henrico, Virginia 23298
Principal Investigator: Claudia Testa
Phone: 804-382-0076
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Houston, Texas 77030
Principal Investigator: Erin Furr-Stimming
Phone: 832-325-7107
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Irvine, California 92697
Principal Investigator: Neal Hermanowicz
Phone: 949-824-3485
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3901 Rainbow Blvd
Kansas City, Kansas 66160
Kansas City, Kansas 66160
(913) 588-5000

Principal Investigator: Richard Dubinksy, MD
Phone: 913-588-6983
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Kirkland, Washington 98034
Principal Investigator: Pinky Agarwal
Phone: 425-899-5387
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Las Vegas, Nevada 89102
Principal Investigator: Zoltan Mari
Phone: 702-462-6804
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Loma Linda, California 92354
Principal Investigator: Khashayer Dashtipour
Phone: 909-558-2037
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500 S Preston St
Louisville, Kentucky
Louisville, Kentucky
(502) 852-5555

Principal Investigator: Kathrin Lafaver
Phone: 502-540-3585
University of Louisville The University of Louisville is a state supported research university located in...
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Memphis, Tennessee 38163
Principal Investigator: Mark LeDoux, MD, PhD
Phone: 901-448-7375
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Minneapolis, Minnesota 55404
Principal Investigator: Martha Nance
Phone: 612-873-2943
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126 College Avenue
New Brunswick, New Jersey 08901
New Brunswick, New Jersey 08901
Principal Investigator: Daniel Schneider
Phone: 732-235-7729
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Emile St
Omaha, Nebraska 68198
Omaha, Nebraska 68198
(402) 559-4000

Principal Investigator: Amy Hellman
Phone: 402-552-6241
Univ of Nebraska Med Ctr A vital enterprise in the nation’s heartland, the University of...
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3451 Walnut St
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104
1 (215) 898-5000

Principal Investigator: Pedro Gonzalez-Alegre, MD
Phone: 215-829-5176
Univ of Pennsylvania Penn has a long and proud tradition of intellectual rigor and pursuit...
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350 W Thomas Rd
Phoenix, Arizona 85013
Phoenix, Arizona 85013
(602) 406-3000

Principal Investigator: Srivadee Oravivattanakul
Phone: 602-406-3823
St. Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center St. Joseph's is a nationally recognized center for quality...
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Click here to add this to my saved trials

1 Shields Ave
Sacramento, California 95616
Sacramento, California 95616
(530) 752-1011

Phone: 916-734-3541
University of California-Davis As we begin our second century, UC Davis is poised to become...
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Saint Louis, Missouri 63110
Principal Investigator: Joel Perlmutter
Phone: 314-747-3258
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San Diego, California 92093
Principal Investigator: Jody Corey-Bloom
Phone: 858-246-1254
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1959 NE Pacific St
Seattle, Washington 98195
Seattle, Washington 98195
(206) 598-3300

Principal Investigator: Ali Samii
Phone: 206-543-3647
University of Washington Medical Center University of Washington Medical Center is one of the nation's...
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Tampa, Florida 33612
Principal Investigator: Juan Sanchez-Ramos, MD
Phone: 813-974-6022
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3700 O St NW
Washington, District of Columbia 20057
Washington, District of Columbia 20057
(202) 687-0100

Principal Investigator: Karen Anderson
Phone: 202-444-0809
Georgetown University Georgetown University is one of the world's leading academic and research institutions, offering...
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Wichita, Kansas
Principal Investigator: William Mallonee, MD
Phone: 316-609-3020
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Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27157
Principal Investigator: Frances Walker
Phone: 336-716-8611
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