Outcomes of CPM Usage Following Arthroscopic Acetabular Labral Repair

Conditions:Post-Surgical Pain
Therapuetic Areas:Musculoskeletal
Age Range:14 - 50
Start Date:February 15, 2013
End Date:June 25, 2015

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The Effect of Continuous Passive Motion on Pain Control Following Hip Arthroscopy

The purpose of this study is to measure whether CPM (continuous passive motion) usage
improves outcomes following arthroscopic hip surgery that includes labral repair.
Investigators tested the hypothesis that CPM usage reduces pain levels and pain medication
use and improves function in individuals who undergo hip arthroscopy.

Subjects undergoing primary hip arthroscopy for acetabular labral repair were randomized to
determine whether they would receive a CPM. Those subjects receiving a CPM were instructed to
use it for 4-6 hours daily throughout the first two postoperative weeks. The total number of
pain medications and average pain scores over the two weeks, as well as Hip Outcome Score
Activity of Daily Living (HOS ADL) scores at standard time points were compared via a two
sample t-test and intention-to-treat analysis.

Inclusion Criteria:

- undergoing hip arthroscopy to repair a torn labrum

Exclusion Criteria:

- pregnancy

- revision surgery

- bilateral surgery
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