Provider-Patient Communication Coaching

Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:June 20, 2016
End Date:May 2020

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Teaching Provider Communication Via Coaching to Reduce Burnout

To examine the effect of a coaching intervention on provider burnout and communication

The investigator will recruit providers at Duke University and randomly assign them to
receive (1) a communication coaching intervention or (2) a waitlist intervention. The
investigator will survey all providers at Baseline and Follow Up. Providers randomized to the
intervention arm will attend face-to-face meetings with study coaches, and have some of their
encounters with patients shadowed by a coach or audio recorded. Providers will obtain verbal
consent from patients to participate in the study (i.e. have their encounter shadowed or
audio recorded). Providers will then be provided feedback by coaches on their communication
during these encounters. Providers randomized to the waitlist intervention arm will be
offered the option of receiving this intervention after they complete the follow up survey.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Providers and patients at Duke University Medical Center

Exclusion Criteria:

- Younger than 18

- non-English speaking
We found this trial at
2301 Erwin Rd
Durham, North Carolina 27710
Principal Investigator: Kathryn Pollak, PhD
Phone: 919-681-4559
Duke Univ Med Ctr As a world-class academic and health care system, Duke Medicine strives...
Durham, NC
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