Our Favorite Weight Loss Superfoods (Part 1)

Arthritis sufferers benefiting from eating more fatty fishAre you tired of looking at that weight scale and being disappointed? When it comes to losing weight and becoming more healthy, there are several things that you’ll want to consider. First off, you’ll want to establish a good exercise plan. Our post from earlier this month details a worthwhile exercise plan that’s also great for your heart health! Next, you’ll want to reevaluate your overall diet.

Adopting a diet that allows you to lose the excess weight can be really difficult, and it’s where many tend to drop the ball. So we’ve done our research and found several weight-loss superfoods that we’d strongly recommend adding to your next shopping list.

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You may be wondering what qualifies something as a superfood? These are food items that can help reinforce your bone health, prevent chronic illnesses and improve mental alertness! Oh yeah, they also can help you drop the extra pounds…

Black Beans

Protein plays a very important role in a healthy diet, but what are the best sources of protein? Many are surprised to learn that black beans make for an excellent choice when you’re dieting. In fact, a single cup of black beans provides an impressive 15 grams of protein. What’s more, you’ll be avoiding the saturated fat that comes with many other good sources of protein.


Fiber can help you feel more full, which can help you with portion control. Oats are one of the healthier sources of fiber out there and a great weight-loss superfood. A half cup of oats also includes about 4.6 grams of resistant starch. This is a carbohydrate that can help kickstart your metabolism and burn excess fat.


Avocado is a healthy source of monounsaturated fatWhat superfood list would be complete without mentioning that delicious green fruit we call avocados. What makes this fleshy item so darn good to eat? Well it is a rich source of fat, but these are actually quite healthy for you and your heart.

The key lies in the avocados’ abundance of monounsaturated fat— studies have highlighted its many benefits. One of these benefits comes from a compound called oleic acid which can be found in monounsaturated fat. This compound can tell the brain to reduce your hunger pains. Avocados are also a great source of protein and fiber.


Finding lean sources of protein are very important, because they can make you feel full without the excess fat. Fish like salmon is a great source of lean protein and they also are abundant in monounsaturated fats. A 2001 study found that dieters eating a MUFA-rich diet lost an average of 9 pounds, while their low-fat diet counterparts gained, on average, 6.

Brown Rice

White rice may not seem like an unhealthy choice, but it can actually make it harder for you to lose weight around the stomach. Brown rice is a healthier alternative that provides plenty of resistant starch (see the oats section for more on resistant starch benefits).

Brown rice is also a low-density food, which means that it’s filling while not being high in calories. Clinical studies have shown that eating a high-energy-density diet often correlates with higher average weight compared to a low-energy-density diet.


Having a glass of wine can provide several health benefits thanks to the antioxidant known as resveratrol which is found in the skin of the grape. One such benefit being that it tells the brain to stop storing as much fat. Research has shown that people who drink wine in moderation tend to have less body fat and trimmer waist lines than your average liquor drinker. A glass of wine can provide a calorie burning boost for about 90 minutes.


All other dietary factors aside, the grapefruit might be one of the best things that you could add to your morning routine. Grapefruits contain a compound that naturally lowers insulin (a hormone that does contribute to fat storage). The tangy fruit has an extremely high water content which will leave you feeling less hungry and they even serve as a healthy source of protein.


Here’s another weight-loss superfood that is rich in healthy fats. Almonds really are one of the best daily snacks and a quality source of protein. If you’ve already taken steps to lower the amount of calories you’re getting in your day-to-day meals, then almonds are a perfect complement. They also taste great as an additional ingredient in a variety of healthy dishes.

Making a serious change to your diet might not be feasible all at once. If you’re worried about falling off the wagon, smaller adjustments can make things a lot more manageable. This post will serve as the first part in this series, so please stay tuned for our favorite weight-loss superfoods (part 2)!