Signs & Symptoms of Thyroid Cancer

As the name suggests, this type of cancer originates in the cells of the thyroid, a butterfly-shaped gland which resides in the base of the neck, right underneath the Adam’s apple. This gland is responsible for producing hormones that can regulate body temperature, heart rate, blood pressure, and even weight. In some cases, the cells in the thyroid gland can become cancerous. Most people with thyroid cancer can be cured with the appropriate treatment, but many are still encouraged to enroll in a thyroid cancer clinical trial.

Early on its development, thyroid cancer may not cause any noticeable signs or symptoms. However, this will change as the tumor continues to grow and develop in the thyroid gland of the patient. The following a. re all symptoms that have been associated with cases of thyroid cancer in the past:

  • A nodule or lump in the neck, more specifically in the front of the neck around the area of the Adam’s apple. In some cases, this lump or nodule will grow quickly. However, there are a number of online resources available which can help you identify these thyroid lumps
  • Enlarged lymph nodes in neck or other signs of enlargement in the area
  • Problems breathing
  • Issues swallowing or struggling with the sensation of choking
  • Alterations in the voice such as hoarseness or issues speaking normally
  • Pain in the throat or neck, though it can also spread from the neck to the ears
  • A chronic cough that does not subside but is not the result of allergies or an illness
  • The neck becomes unusually sensitive to the point where one can’t even wear anything around their neck or be touched
  • Usually, there is a big nodule on the one side of the neck, but not on the other (known as asymmetry in the thyroid)
  • When these nodules are manipulated, sometimes it may seem like the entire thyroid is being moved (this could be an indication of a more advanced or aggressive type of thyroid cancer)
  • Some of these nodules grow to a size where they end up pushing the whole windpipe to one side of the neck (this can also lead to further complications like superior vena cava syndrome)
  • If it is a really aggressive type of thyroid tumor, then it can spread to the brain and cause neurological issues

Seeking Medical Attention

If you or a loved one happen to experience any of these signs or symptoms, then it is important that you make an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible. Thyroid cancer is not common in the United States, so your doctor may want to eliminate other possible causes for your symptoms before diagnosing you with thyroid cancer.