Treatments Available for Psoriasis

In order to treat psoriasis effectively, the disease must be managed on a regular basis. Since it is an autoimmune disease, psoriasis can produce a whole host of different symptoms that can actually impact more than just the patient’s skin. If you have been diagnosed with psoriasis, then you’ll need to work with your doctor to determine the most effective course of treatment. No two cases of psoriasis are exactly the same, so they cannot be treated the same way. If you are living with a chronic case, you might be eligible to enroll in a psoriasis clinical trial.

While research has yet to discover a comprehensive cure for psoriasis, there are numerous treatments that can be applied for psoriasis. In fact, there are so many, that we’ve had to break them down into categories.


These types of drugs can be administered either orally or intravenously, and their effects should be felt throughout the entire body. Systemic medications are used to treat patients with moderate to severe psoriasis, as well as psoriatic arthritis.


Biologics or biologic medication is prescribed to patients with moderate to severe psoriasis. They can also be used to treat the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis where other medications have failed to make a serious impact. Similar to systemic medication, these can be administered either by intravenous (IV) infusion or injection.


Otherwise known as light therapy, this type of treatment utilizes ultraviolet light to battle the symptoms of this autoimmune disease. During phototherapy, doctors expose the patient’s skin to UV-light on a routine basis. This type of treatment can be performed at the doctor’s office or a clinic, although some patients elect to get this treatment at home with a phototherapy unit.

Topical Psoriasis Treatments

Most people who are diagnosed with psoriasis will try to treat their condition with some form of topical ointment. There are varieties that are available over-the-counter, but the stronger ointments can be prescribed by your doctor. Topical treatments are applied directly to the affected part of the skin.

Alternative Treatment Methods

In certain cases, people may be interested in taking an alternative route to treat their psoriasis. Under these circumstances, complementary or holistic medicine may be more preferable. This could include a whole grouping of diverse practices, products, and health care systems. Of course, these therapies are not considered part of more conventional medicine, but some people find them to be more effective.

With such a variety of treatments available, it can be difficult to find the best course of action to take. Psoriasis can be unpredictable, and in some circumstances, so can the effects of a prescribed treatment. Over time, your skin may grow to resist the effects of an applied treatment, but the stronger medications can cause certain adverse side effects. You’ll need to consult with your doctor about the treatments which can adequately meet your specific needs.