Interventions for Postoperative Delirium: Biomarker-3

Conditions:Neurology, Psychiatric
Therapuetic Areas:Neurology, Psychiatry / Psychology
Age Range:65 - Any
Start Date:February 13, 2017
End Date:December 31, 2020
Contact:Tyler Ballweg, BS

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The IPOD-B3 study aims to characterize the relationship between premorbid brain activity and
postoperative delirium in patients undergoing major surgery. This is a expansion of the
NeuroVISION Bolt-On study, NCT01980511.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Age ≥65 years

- Anticipated length of hospital stay of at least 2 days after surgery that occurs under
general or neuraxial anesthesia

- Written Informed Consent for potential participation prior to surgery

Exclusion Criteria:

- Contraindication to MRI or EEG (e.g. implanted devices not safe for MRI studies,
claustrophobia, unable to lie flat or still),

- Unable or unwilling to attend the follow-up appointments,

- Documented history of dementia

- Residing in a nursing home,

- Undergoing intracranial surgery

- Unable to complete neurocognitive testing due to language, vision or hearing

- Unable to communicate with the research staff due to language barriers,
We found this trial at
Madison, Wisconsin 53706
(608) 263-2400
Principal Investigator: Robert D Sanders, MBBS PhD FRCA
Phone: 608-262-6469
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Madison, WI
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