Muscle Mass and Nutritional Risk in Older Adults

Status:Active, not recruiting
Conditions:Healthy Studies
Therapuetic Areas:Other
Age Range:60 - 100
Start Date:June 11, 2018
End Date:June 30, 2019

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The Association Between Muscle Mass and Nutritional Risk by COAST in Older Adults

This study aims to compare the COAST (comprehensive older adult screening tool) to muscle
mass as determined by BIA (bioelectric impedance analysis) and thus, determine if the COAST
is a valid predictor of muscle loss in older adults. This study follows a comparison of COAST
to MNA and will further test the validity of the COAST nutrition screening tool.

The association between muscle mass, as determined by BIA (bioelectric impedance analysis),
and the recently developed COAST (Comprehensive Older Adult Screening Tool) has not been
studied. Therefore, the main objective of this study is to test the correlations between
muscle mass, measured by BIA, and COAST. The population to be studied will be older adults
(n=150). Participants will be included if they are 60 years or older, willing to have weight,
height, handgrip and body composition measured, willing to provided demographic information
and answer questions related to their nutritional and health status. Individuals will be
excluded if they have had recent surgery to the hands, severe rheumatoid arthritis in both
hands or have a pacemaker or other implanted device. Participants will be recruited from
community groups in Florida. Participants muscle mass will be measured using BIA. Also, their
handgrip strength will be tested using a dynamometer. Weight and height will be measured and
demographic information will be collected. In addition, the participants will be given COAST
(5 questions related to their nutritional and health status). The associations among BIA,
handgrip strength and the COAST will be analyzed.

Inclusion Criteria:

- 60 -100 years of age

- willing to weight, height, handgrip and body composition measured, willing to provide
demographic information and answer questions related to their nutritional and health

Exclusion Criteria:

- recent surgery to the hands, severe rheumatoid arthritis in both hands or have a
pacemaker or other implanted device.
We found this trial at
Gainesville, Florida 32611
Phone: 352-294-3707
Gainesville, FL
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