Two Cancers, One Gene. Why Some People in Families Develop Melanoma or Pancreas Cancer, While Still Others Never Develop Cancer.

Conditions:Skin Cancer, Cancer, Cancer
Therapuetic Areas:Oncology
Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:August 17, 2016
End Date:July 31, 2021
Contact:Bridget M Eversman, CCRP

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Two Cancers, One Gene

Individuals who are affected with pancreas cancer and melanoma as well as those without
either cancer who have been identified as 1st or 2nd degree relatives of family members with
pancreas cancer and melanoma will be asked to participate. The participant will be asked to
complete a survey about their health and family history of cancer and to give a blood sample
for specific gene testing and storage for future research studies.The overall goal of this
study is to understand the factors that increase susceptibility and expression of pancreatic
cancer and melanoma in high risk families.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Individuals who are affected with pancreas cancer and melanoma as well as those
without either cancer who have been identified as 1st or 2nd degree relatives of
family members with pancreas cancer and melanoma.

Exclusion Criteria:

- Under the age of 18, Non-English speaking or unable to provide informed consent,
We found this trial at
Rochester, Minnesota 55905
Principal Investigator: Gloria M Petersen, Ph.D.
Phone: 507-266-3294
Rochester, MN
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