The Effects of Chia on Overweight/Obese Women

Status:Active, not recruiting
Conditions:Obesity Weight Loss, Endocrine
Therapuetic Areas:Endocrinology
Age Range:18 - 45
Start Date:May 20, 2017
End Date:August 2018

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Effects of Chia Seed Consumption on Body Composition, Blood Pressure, Blood Glucose, Satiety, Diet Displacement, Joint Pain, Mood and Serotonin Levels in Young, Healthy, Overweight/Obese Females

The purpose of the study is to examine the effect of chia seed consumption on body
composition, blood pressure, blood glucose, satiety, mood, joint pain, and dietary
displacement in overweight and obese females (18-45years). It is hypothesized that consuming
chia seeds will bring about a positive change in body composition (lower % body fat),
satiety, mood, joint pain, and blood pressure, lower blood glucose levels, increased fiber
and improved nutrient intake, in overweight/ obese females.

Specific Objectives: 1. Determine if chia seed diet addition of 10% of Kcals (CHIA)
positively changes body composition in young, healthy, overweight/obese people (Tanita
scale). A) Determine if CHIA will decrease blood pressure (monitor). 2. Determine if CHIA
will decrease blood glucose (draw) 3. Determine if CHIA increases satiety and improves diet
(recordings). 4. Determine if CHIA will decrease joint pain (questionnaire). 5. Determine if
CHIA will increase positive mood changes (questionnaires) and increase blood serotonin levels

Inclusion Criteria:

- are a female.

- are between the ages of 18 and 45.

- are not averse to consuming chia seeds on a regular basis (at least six weeks).

- have not taken any medication for any chronic disease (heart, diabetes, cancer) for
twelve weeks.

- have not taken any steroid or hormone medication in the last eight weeks, excluding
birth control pills...

- do not consume excess amounts of nuts and seeds. - do not consume alcohol on a regular

- are not currently on a diet plan.

- are not pregnant or plan to become pregnant.

Exclusion Criteria:

- are a child, teenager, woman, or male younger than 18 or older than 45.

- eat large quantities of chia seeds on a regular basis.

- are taking any steroid or hormone medication (other than birth control pills). - are
taking laxatives or fiber containing supplements on a regular basis.

- are pregnant or become pregnant.

- are currently on a diet plan.

- have a known allergy to seeds.

- consume excess amounts of seeds or nuts.

- consume alcohol on a regular basis.

- have a pacemaker or metal pins or plates in the body.
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