Evaluation of Post-Exposure Sauna Treatment of Firefighters - A Pilot Study

Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:April 4, 2018
End Date:January 31, 2019
Contact:Jefferey L Burgess, MD

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Evaluation of Post-Exposure Sauna Treatment of Firefighters - A Pilot Study, IRB# 1801201082

Firefighters are at increased risk of cancer, and both inhalation and dermal routes
contribute to overall exposure to carcinogens, including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
(PAHs). The purpose of the current study is to determine if post-fire firefighter
rehabilitation in an infrared sauna: a) affects absorption of PAHs as measured by urinary
metabolites; and b) changes core body temperature and heart rate.

An initial four firefighters will be evaluated for change in PAHs associated with standard
fire department flashover training to determine if urinary PAH metabolites increase following
exposure, comparing baseline urine samples (collected for up to 12 hours before the training
fire) to a repeat urine sample (collected up to 12 hours after cessation of the training
fire.) If a significant increase is not seen, then repeat testing with four firefighters will
be completed using burn room training scenarios. Air monitoring during the training periods
may be carried out with standard industrial hygiene instruments.

Stage 2: Once a significant increase in PAHs has been documented, the associated training
scenario (flashover training or alternate live fire training), testing will be carried out in
20 subjects. Prior to starting the training scenario, the firefighters will provide a urine
sample (collected over a time period of 12 hours prior to the training fire), swallow a core
temperature probe and wear a monitor for recording both their core temperature and heart
rate. In addition, dermal wipes will be collected prior to the training fire. Air monitoring
during the training periods will be carried out with standard industrial hygiene instruments.
Following cessation of the training scenario, the subjects will follow their standard fire
department procedures, which may involve using skin wipes and showering. The subjects will
then be randomized to either an infrared sauna treatment, with or without exercising as
determined by the fire department protocol, or no additional treatment, following their fire
department protocols. Repeat dermal wipes will be collected in all subjects. Core temperature
and heart rate will be monitored for up to 8 hours after training scenario. The subjects will
collect all their urine after the fire training for a period of 12 hours. The urine will be
analyzed for urinary PAH metabolites and potentially other toxicants from the fire, and,
dependent on the available budget, similar evaluations may be carried out on the skin wipes.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Are employed as an active fire responder by the Scottsdale Fire Department

- Are scheduled for a training fire exercise by the Scottsdale Fire Department in the
next year

- Are currently a non-smoker (including cigarettes, cigars and e-cigarettes)

- Cannot have any contraindications to the core temp pill, which are:

- weight less than 80 pounds

- known or suspected obstructive disease of GI tract, including but not limited to
diverticulitis and inflammatory bowel disease

- exhibit or have a history of disorders or impairment of the gag reflex

- have had a previous gastrointestinal surgery

- have any diseases or disorders of the esophagus

- will be undergoing Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) or MRI scanning less than 3
days after swallowing the sensor

- have a low motility disorder of the gastrointestinal tract including but not
limited to ileus

- have a cardiac pacemaker or other implanted electromedical device

- have a swallowing disorder

Exclusion Criteria:

- Are NOT employed as an active fire responder by the Scottsdale Fire Department

- Are NOT scheduled for a training fire exercise by the Scottsdale Fire Department in
the next year

- Are currently a smoker (including cigarettes, cigars and e-cigarettes)

- Has one of the contraindications to the core temp pill
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