Perspectives on Prescribing Hormonal Contraception Among Rural New Mexicans

Conditions:Contraception, Contraception
Therapuetic Areas:Reproductive
Age Range:18 - 45
Start Date:November 14, 2017
End Date:June 8, 2018

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The goal of this study is to identify the thoughts and perceptions of pharmacy access to
hormonal contraception among rural women and pharmacists. This will be key in order to
address concerns or perceived barriers in order to inform the implementation of this program.

There are no studies examining New Mexico pharmacists' interest in prescribing hormonal
contraceptives or rural New Mexican women's support for pharmacist prescribed hormonal
contraceptives. However, some states where pharmacists already prescribe contraception have
experienced difficulties in implementing the education, infrastructure, and financial support
necessary to provide hormonal contraception in the community pharmacy setting. Nationwide,
68% of women reported that they would utilize pharmacist prescribed hormonal contraception
and cited benefits such as convenient hours and locations of pharmacies. The goal of this
study is to identify the thoughts and perceptions of pharmacy access to hormonal
contraception among rural women and pharmacists. This will be key in order to address
concerns or perceived barriers in order to inform the implementation of this program.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Pharmacists: actively employed and currently licensed and working in rural counties in
New Mexico.

- Women: Reproductive age, 18-45 years old from rural counties in New Mexico and who are
fluent in English.

Exclusion Criteria:

- Pharmacists: decline to participate or work outside the defined rural areas, not
currently employed or licensed.

- Women: younger than 18 or older than 45, living in urban areas (Albuquerque and Las
We found this trial at
2211 Lomas Boulevard Northeast
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87131
Albuquerque, NM
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