Iterative Beta Testing of Videos for the DIPPer Academy

Therapuetic Areas:Endocrinology
Age Range:1 - 6
Start Date:January 1, 2018
End Date:September 19, 2019
Contact:Susana R Patton, PhD
Phone:(913) 588-6323

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An Interactive mHealth App for Better Glycemic Control in Families of Young Kids With T1D

The purpose of this research is to develop DIPPer Academy, a family-focused, mobile health
(mHealth) behavioral intervention to promote glycemic control and type 1 diabetes (T1D)
adherence in young children.

Because many young children with T1D have glucose levels that exceed targets, investigators
need to develop efficacious, accessible, and readily disseminable interventions to help them
to improve their glycemic control. To do this, the investigators need efficacious
interventions that specifically address the challenges that parents of young children face in
daily T1D management, as well as learning activities that are targeted to the ever evolving
abilities of young children. Providers need mHealth interventions that minimize barriers that
families experience when trying to access face-to-face or in clinic interventions. Finally,
interventions are needed that are packaged to be easily deployable by other diabetes centers.
The investigator's proposed intervention, DIPPer Academy, will include all of these
recommended advancements.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Families of a young child who is between 1-5.99 years old and at least 6 months post
T1D diagnosis

- Families who are English-speaking.

Exclusion Criteria:

- Young children with evidence of type 2 diabetes or monogenic diabetes.

- Children/parents with evidence of severe psychiatric disorder.

- Young children with a comorbid chronic illness (e.g., renal disease) that requires
ongoing care beyond T1D.

- Young children with a history of anemia or medication use that may interact with
glycemic control (e.g., systemic steroids).
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Kansas City, Kansas 66160
(913) 588-5000
University of Kansas Medical Center The University of Kansas Medical Center serves Kansas through excellence...
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2401 Gillham Rd
Kansas City, Missouri 64108
(816) 234-3000
Principal Investigator: Mark Clements, MD
Children's Mercy Hospital Children's Mercy Hospitals and Clinics continues redefining pediatric medicine throughout the Midwest...
Kansas City, MO
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