Study of a Transdiagnostic, Emotion-focused Group Intervention for Young Adults With Substance Use Disorders

Conditions:Anxiety, Anxiety, Depression, Psychiatric, Psychiatric, Psychiatric
Therapuetic Areas:Psychiatry / Psychology
Age Range:18 - 26
Start Date:November 22, 2017
End Date:October 31, 2019
Contact:Kate Bentley, PhD

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Pilot Study of a Transdiagnostic, Emotion-focused Group Intervention for Young Adults With Substance Use Disorders

The overall aim of this pilot study is to conduct a preliminary trial to evaluate the
acceptability and feasibility of adding a transdiagnostic, emotion-focused group intervention
(the Unified Protocol, UP) to treatment as usual (TAU) in a comprehensive outpatient program
for adolescents and young adults with substance use disorders and emotional distress. Only
patients seeking services or engaged in care at an existing outpatient program at MGH (the
Addiction Recovery Management Service) are eligible for participation.

Young adults with substance use disorder (SUD) commonly experience co-occurring emotional
distress in the form of affective/emotional disorders (i.e. anxiety, depressive, and related
disorders) and self-injurious thoughts and behaviors (SITBs). Based on the conceptualization
of emotion dysregulation as a transdiagnostic treatment target, the current study utilizes
the Unified Protocol for Transdiagnostic Treatment of Emotional Disorders (UP) to target core
psychopathological processes related to emotion dysregulation that underlie SITBs and
emotional disorder pathology. Given its transdiagnostic format, the UP has the potential to
address comorbidity among the emotional disorders (and other functionally similar problems
such as SUDs) simultaneously and more comprehensively than single-diagnosis treatments.

Patients seeking services or currently engaged in care at an existing comprehensive
outpatient program for adolescents and young adults with substance use disorders (the MGH
Addiction Recovery Management Service) are eligible for this study. Participants will be
randomized 2:1 to receive either UP + TAU or TAU alone. The adjunctive UP intervention
consists of 16 twice-weekly group sessions (delivered over an 8-week period) designed to
deliver transdiagnostic, emotion-focused CBT strategies.

Only patients seeking services or currently engaged in care at the MGH Addiction Recovery
Management Service are eligible for this study.

Inclusion Criteria:

1. Young adults ages 18 to 26, inclusive

2. English language proficiency

3. Ability to provide written, informed consent

4. Ability to attend in-person, outpatient sessions

5. Has provided consent to receive or is currently undergoing treatment at the MGH
Addiction Recovery Management Service

6. Documented DSM-5 SUD diagnosis (limited to alcohol use disorder; cannabis use
disorder; phencyclidine or other hallucinogen use disorder; inhalant use disorder,
opioid use disorder; sedative, hypnotic, or anxiolytic use disorder; stimulant use
disorder; other (or unknown) SUD)

7. Current elevated emotional distress, as evidenced by any one of the following:

1. Score at least in the moderate range on self-report anxiety questionnaire

2. Score at least in the moderate range on self-report depression questionnaire

3. Report of suicidal thoughts in the past week

4. Report of engagement in non-suicidal self-injury in the past week

8. Not expected to require inpatient level of care within the next two weeks (as judged

Exclusion Criteria:

1. Documented psychotic disorder (or current, clinically significant psychotic symptoms)
that render the patient inappropriate for outpatient level of care or participation in
group therapy (as judged clinically by study staff)

2. Current imminent suicide or homicide risk (as judged clinically by study staff)

3. Unwilling or unable to provide consent for study staff to access subject's medical
records and coordinate care and exchange data with clinical staff at the Addiction
Recovery Management Service

4. Unwilling or unable to identify an emergency contact
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