Multi-scale Modeling of Sleep Behaviors in Social Networks

Conditions:Healthy Studies
Therapuetic Areas:Other
Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:September 2013
End Date:June 2018

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The project is designed to document in college undergraduates the relationships among
sleep/wake timing and duration, use of mobile phones and other electronic devices, food
timing and content, self-reported mood and physiological measures.

College undergraduates are studied in cohorts of ~ 50 in fall or spring semesters. They
complete diaries once in the morning and once in the evening about sleep/wake timing, timing
of social and school activities, and mood. They wear physiological sensors. They install (1)
an application on their mobile phone that tracks timing, duration and de-identified
sender/recipient of phone calls and text messages, use of internet or apps (but not the
content or names of those internet sites and apps) and (2) meal content and timing. They also
spend at least one overnight session providing saliva samples for later assay for hormones.

Inclusion Criteria:

- undergraduate at institution at which we have permission to perform study

- owning a mobile device on which the phone app can be installed

- ability to wear the wrist-worn sensors

Exclusion Criteria:

- no travel outside one time zone starting approximately 2 weeks before monitoring
begins through end of approximately one month of monitoring.

- participation in a prior group studied
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