Effect of Soy Protein and Colorado Diet on Weight Loss and Maintenance

Conditions:Obesity Weight Loss, Obesity Weight Loss
Therapuetic Areas:Endocrinology
Age Range:18 - 55
Start Date:March 10, 2015
End Date:October 29, 2016

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The Effect of Incorporating Soy Protein Foods in the Colorado Diet for Weight Loss and Maintenance.

Dietary protein is a key element of most effective weight loss regimens. This study will
investigate the effects of consuming soy protein on body composition and cardiometabolic
health within the context of an effective weight loss and maintenance program called the
Colorado Diet.

This is a randomized study involving 60 study subjects (30 per arm). Investigators plan to
enroll 72 subjects (36 per arm) in order to allow for any potential drop outs with the goal
of 60 study completers. Investigators will compare the efficacy of inducing weight loss of
two treatment arms all based on the Colorado Diet. Subjects will be randomly assigned to one
of two study arms and instructed to follow the Colorado Diet by participating in weekly
Colorado Diet group classes (State of Slim class). There will be 4 classes of 18 subjects
each (two classes for each treatment group). Subjects will be followed in the study for 12
months. Subjects will be randomized into one of two treatment groups as follows:

- Group 1 will participate in a State of Slim group class, receive a State of Slim book
(describing the Colorado Diet), and will then purchase food items allowed in the
Colorado Diet from the lists of acceptable foods in the State of Slim book.

- Group 2 will participate in a State of Slim class, receive the State of Slim book, and
be provided soy protein foods to be consumed as part of the Colorado Diet (subjects will
receive up to 3 foods with approximately 20g of soy protein each, per day).

Inclusion Criteria:

1. Males and females ages 18 - 55 years

2. BMI between 27-40

3. Weight stable (have not lost or gained more than 10 pounds in the last 3 months)

4. Generally healthy

5. Able to exercise 70 minutes per day at moderate intensity

6. Willing and able to participate in a State of Slim group class for the first 16 weeks
of the study and willing to participate in 5 study visits over the 12 month study

Exclusion Criteria:

1. Pregnant or trying to become pregnant.

2. Diagnosis of type 1 or type 2 diabetes

3. Individuals following a vegetarian only diet

4. Food allergies (to soy, dairy, wheat/gluten, eggs, or peanuts)

5. Taking medications that could cause weight loss or weight gain or alter plasma lipids
(such as steroids, tricyclic antidepressants, chemotherapy, antipsychotics, prescribed
or over-the-counter weight loss agents, statins, fibrates, niacin, etc). Oral
contraceptives can be used as long as subject agrees to not change use of these during
the study. Multivitamins containing niacin can be used as long as subject agrees to
not change use of these during the study.

6. Known renal disease

7. hypothyroidism

8. Current alcohol or drug abuse or dependence (Subjects who have quit smoking in the
last 6 months will be excluded. Smokers whose smoking habits have been stable for the
last 6 months and which remain stable during the study can be included).

9. Any medical condition for which following a diet and/or 70 minutes of exercise daily
would be inadvisable

10. LDL cholesterol levels above 190 mg/dl or triglycerides above 400 mg/dl.
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12348 East Montview Boulevard
Aurora, Colorado 80045
Aurora, CO
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