Cocaine Use Reduction and Health

Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:September 15, 2017
End Date:October 14, 2022
Contact:William W Stoops, Ph.D.

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Cardiovascular, Immune and Psychosocial Benefits of Reduced Cocaine Use

Reduced drug use is a clinically meaningful target for treatment development, but few studies
have evaluated the positive impacts produced by this behavioral change, preventing adoption
of this endpoint in clinical trials. The proposed research will fill that critical knowledge
gap by demonstrating the biopsychosocial benefits of reduced cocaine use. These data will be
used to change current accepted cocaine treatment endpoints and accelerate identification of
therapies for cocaine use disorder.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Age 18 or older

- Self-report of recent cocaine use verified by a cocaine-positive urine sample

- Meet moderate-severe Cocaine Use Disorder Criteria

- Seeking treatment for their cocaine use

- Able to commit to 12-week intervention, plus 24-week follow up

Exclusion Criteria:

- History of serious physical or psychiatric disease (e.g., physical dependence on any
drug requiring medically managed detoxification, unstable angina, uncontrolled cardiac
arrhythmia, aortic stenosis, self-reported compromised immune function, extreme
hypersensitivity/allergy to candida yeast or similar products, severe diagnosis for
other substance use disorder) that would interfere with study participation

- Current physical or psychiatric disease that would interfere with study participation

- Poor veinous access, precluding blood draws
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