Influence of n-Acetylcysteine Maintenance on Alcohol Effects

Therapuetic Areas:Psychiatry / Psychology
Age Range:21 - 55
Start Date:September 15, 2017
End Date:December 14, 2019
Contact:William W Stoops, PhD

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A Human Laboratory Study of n-Acetylcysteine for Alcohol Use Disorder

This study will evaluate the behavioral effects of alcohol during placebo and
n-acetylcysteine maintenance using sophisticated human laboratory methods.

Inclusion Criteria:

- able to speak/read English

- not seeking treatment at the time of the study

- one binge drinking episode (5+/4+ standard alcoholic drinks per drinking session for
men and women, respectively) in the past 30 days

- recent alcohol use verified by ethyl glucuronide positive urine, as well as
fulfillment of DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for alcohol use disorder

- ECG within normal limits

- otherwise healthy

- body mass index of 19-35

- females using an effective form of birth control and not pregnant or breast feeding

- judged by the medical staff to be psychiatrically and physically healthy

- able to abstain from alcohol for 12 hours prior to session

- no contraindications/allergies to n-acetylcysteine
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