Ultrasound Guided Knee Injections in Musculoskeletal Medicine

Conditions:Arthritis, Osteoarthritis (OA)
Therapuetic Areas:Rheumatology
Age Range:18 - 90
Start Date:November 3, 2011
End Date:July 2023
Contact:Chelsea Gebs, BS
Phone:(850) 916-8570

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Practical Indications for Sonography in Musculoskeletal Medicine-Knee Joint Injections

This study will compare the accuracy and patient reported outcomes between four different
techniques used to perform a knee injection.

This study will compare the accuracy and patient-oriented outcomes between various techniques
for intra-articular knee injections. Historically, a joint line (intercondylar) technique of
injection at the medial or lateral joint line, reliant solely upon clinical palpation, has
been the most popular approach among primary care and orthopedic providers. Newer approaches,
making use of ultrasound visualization to accomplish access to the intercondylar recess and
the anterolateral suprapatellar pouch, have gained in popularity. Because of uncertain
accuracy with the traditional approach, this study is designed to determine if sonographic
visualization combined with either of these two newer techniques improves accuracy and
affects patient-oriented outcomes.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Male or female, age 18 to 90

- Clinician determined need for intra-articular knee injection

- Radiograph confirmed grade 1-4 Kellgren Lawrence osteoarthritis scale

Exclusion Criteria:

- Allergy to contrast dye, shellfish

- Allergy to egg product or hyaluronate

- Allergy to lidocaine

- Localized skin infection at planned site of injection

- Inability to complete follow-up phone call three months following the injection

- Viscosupplementation injection within 6 months of the current evaluation
We found this trial at
Gulf Breeze, Florida 32561
Principal Investigator: Joshua Hackel, MD
Phone: 850-916-8570
Gulf Breeze, FL
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