Does Blood Flow Restriction Training Improve Quadriceps Function After Arthroscopic Knee Surgery?

Age Range:14 - 55
Start Date:November 21, 2017
End Date:August 2020
Contact:Walter R Lowe, MD

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Does Blood Flow Restriction Training Improve Quadriceps Function After Arthroscopic Knee Surgery? A Randomized Clinical Trial

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of physical therapy (PT) plus BFR
training compared to PT alone (without BFR training) after ACL reconstruction in patients who
require extended limited weight bearing through assessment of patient reported outcomes and
functional testing. The hypothesis is that PT plus BFR training will mitigate the loss of
quadriceps muscle cross-sectional area, strength, and function while also improving early
clinical and functional results.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction with concomitant meniscus or cartilage
restoration procedures

- Adherence to modified weight bearing status before initiation of PT

- Expected participation in recreational or competitive sports after release to full

Exclusion Criteria:

- Unable to attend (or participate in) physical therapy

- Pregnancy

- Malignancy

- Fracture

- Peripheral vascular disease

- History of deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
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