Positive Steps to Enhance Problem Solving Skills

Age Range:16 - 29
Start Date:February 1, 2018
End Date:December 31, 2021
Contact:Matthew J Mimiaga, ScD, MPH
Phone:401 863-6559

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Adaptive Intervention Strategies Trial for Strengthening Adherence to Antiretroviral HIV Treatment Among Youth

This randomized control trial is to test the efficacy of a stepped-care "adaptive"
Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) adherence intervention ("Positive STEPS") for HIV infected
adolescents and young adults, ages 16 to 29. Stepped care is a healthcare delivery model in
which the least resource intensive part of an intervention is delivered first, and only those
who do not improve then receive the high intensity, more resource intensive part of an

HIV infected adolescents and young adults will be recruited from Providence, Rhode Island and
Chicago, Illinois. Participants will be equally randomized to:

1. "Positive STEPS" - a stepped care, adherence intervention with integrated technology
(2-way daily text messaging aimed at improving ART adherence). If text messaging is not
sufficient to overcome the barriers to ART adherence;these individuals will then also
receive the more intensive component based on general principles of cognitive-behavioral

2. Standard of Care comparison group including a brief adherence educational session. This
will consist of a review of medications and recommended dosing (i.e., to understand
regimen), adherence expectations, toxicity expectations and medication
misperceptions.The participant will then view a 20-minute animated tutorial which
explains the importance of adherence to antiretroviral medication effectiveness.

Inclusion Criteria:

- 16-29 years of age

- HIV Infected

- Currently taking or prescribed ART for at least three months

- Self-report less than or equal to 90% ART adherence in the past month

- Has daily access to a cell phone

- Lives in greater Providence or Chicago area greater than three months

Exclusion Criteria:

- Less than 16 years old or older than 29 years old

- Unable to give informed consent due to severe mental or physical illness

- HIV Negative

- Not currently on ART or enrolled in another ART-adherence intervention study

- Self-report of greater than 90% ART adherence in the past month

- Does not have daily access to a cell phone

- Lives in greater Providence or Chicago area less than three months
We found this trial at
Providence, Rhode Island 02912
Phone: 401-863-6559
Providence, RI
Click here to add this to my saved trials
Chicago, Illinois 60611
Phone: 800-543-7362
Chicago, IL
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