Curved Soft-Picks on Plaque Accumulation on Patients With Gingivitis

Therapuetic Areas:Dental / Maxillofacial Surgery
Age Range:18 - 70
Start Date:December 2016
End Date:May 2017

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Effect of Curved Design Soft-Picks on Plaque Accumulation on Patients With Signs of Gingivitis

The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of a new interdental cleaning device
(Soft-Picks Advanced), as compared to a leading brand floss; and, how ease of use can promote
the establishment of a hygienic routine of cleaning interproximal spaces.

The Soft-Picks Advanced has a new curved design allowing a user to easily access to difficult
interdental sites, such as spaces between premolars and molars. This study is a single center
with parallel design, single blinded, which will randomize eligible subjects into two
treatment groups.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Be willing and physically able to carry out all study procedures and be available at
all times required for participation

- Be able to fully understand and comply with the written and verbal instructions

- Provide written Informed Consent

- Be age 18 - 70 years

- Agree to return study materials at the required visit(s)

- Have a minimum of 20 'scorable' teeth (excluding 3rd molars)

- Have more than or equal 10% and less than or equal to 50% Bleeding on Probing (BOP)

- Have all Pocket Depth (PD) less than or equal to 4mm

- Have at least 12 qualifying, interproximal sites (6 per side) with closed contacts,
without crown or restorations. (See section 5.1.1 'Teeth Selection')

- Be a regular manual toothbrush user for at least 2 months.

- Be a non-smoker for at least 2 years.

- Be willing to abstain from use of chewing gum and consumption of apples, carrots or
other hard crunchy foods or thick skinned fruits for 3-6 hours before each visit.

- Be willing to comply with 12-18 hours of no oral hygiene practices

Exclusion Criteria:

- Medical or Dental condition that would be unduly affected by participation in this
study, per Investigator Discretion

- Pregnant or nursing, per urine based pregnancy test

- A medical condition requiring antibiotic pre-medication prior to dental appointments

- Diagnosis of Xerostomia

- Any oral or extra oral piercing that interferes with the ability to perform study
procedures and/or clinical assessments in the mouth

- Currently undergoing or requiring dental/periodontal treatment, or having had
periodontal treatment in the six months preceding the study, where the subject's study
participation could present an undue safety risk or obscure the evaluation of study
endpoints, per Investigator /Examiner discretion

- Oral surgery within the last 2 months

- A known allergy or sensitivity to products planned for use in this study

- Unwillingness to abstain from all other oral hygiene products other than those
prescribed for the duration of the study

- Participation in an oral care study within the previous 90 days

- Are a dental student or dental professional

- Uncontrolled Diabetes

- Current use of antibiotic medications or use within 4 weeks of enrollment

- Presence of heavy deposits of calculus, either supragingival and/or subgingival, per
Investigator/Examiner discretion

- Extensive crown or bridge work, rampant decay or excessive gingival recession, per
Investigator/Examiner discretion

- Presence of orthodontic bands interfering with efficacy outcome(s) per
Investigator/Examiner discretion

- Current use of professionally dispensed bleaching products or use within one month of

- Be an employee, spouse or a relative of an employee of the clinical research site, or
a dental products manufacturing, research or marketing firm.

- Chronic treatment with any medication known to affect periodontal status within one
month of the screening examination (daily use of 81 mg Aspirin is not exclusionary)

- Have any tooth sites with: > 5mm PD or attachment loss > 3mm, excluding 3rd molars
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