Comparison of Lotrafilcon B Lenses With Different Packaging Solutions

Therapuetic Areas:Ophthalmology
Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:May 2016
End Date:October 2016
Contact:Alcon Call Center

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One Month Clinical Comparison of Two Lotrafilcon B Spherical Lenses With Different Packaging Solutions

The purpose of this study is to evaluate AIR OPTIX® plus HYDRAGLYDE® (AOHG) contact lenses
compared to AIR OPTIX® AQUA (AOA) contact lenses in overall lens fit.

Subjects must not wear any contact lenses prior to the visit on Day 1 (Insertion) for Period
1 or Day 1 (Insertion) for Period 2. This study will be conducted in the United Kingdom.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Must sign Informed Consent Document;

- Manifest cylinder less than or equal to 0.75 Diopter (D) in each eye;

- Successful current wearer (during the past 2 months for a minimum of 5 days per week
and 8 hours per day) of AOA contact lenses within the protocol-specified power range;

- Willing to answer text messages on a daily basis during the study;

- Willing to discontinue artificial tears and rewetting drops on the days of study

- Other protocol-specified inclusion criteria may apply.

Exclusion Criteria:

- Habitual lens wear in an extended wear modality (routinely sleeping in lenses
overnight for 1 night per week);

- Any anterior segment infection, inflammation, disease or abnormality that
contraindicates contact lens wear (within 7 days of enrollment, or current);

- History of herpetic keratitis, corneal surgery or irregular cornea;

- Any use of systemic or ocular medications for which contact lens wear could be

- Monocular (only 1 eye with functional vision) or fit with only 1 lens;

- Pregnant or lactating;

- Participation in any clinical study within 30 days of Visit 1;

- Other protocol-specified exclusion criteria may apply.
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