Development of Software to Provide the SpeechVive Device Via the Internet

Conditions:Parkinsons Disease
Therapuetic Areas:Neurology
Age Range:30 - Any
Start Date:January 26, 2018
End Date:December 2018
Contact:Jessica E Huber, PhD

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Development of a Telehealth Platform for Treatment With the SpeechVive Device

Telehealth, increasingly recognized in the neurology field as a solution to access issues for
people with Parkinson's disease, improves access to speech therapy, particularly those living
in rural areas or with travel barriers. The SpeechVive device, developed by SpeechVive, Inc.,
is a treatment solution that is easy to use and effective. In an NIH funded study, the
SpeechVive device improved communication in 90% of individuals with PD by improving volume,
articulation, and speech rate. The investigators propose to eliminate the one drawback of the
SpeechVive device, namely that it currently must be programmed by a speech-language
pathologist for each patient in person. The overall goal of this project is to develop a
telehealth platform for the SpeechVive device that will enable video conferencing for
treatment and remote programming of the SpeechVive device for each patient. Once the platform
has been developed, the investigators will conduct a study to examine effectiveness and the
patient and caregiver satisfaction with telepractice using the SpeechVive device.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Diagnosis of Parkinson's disease

- Difficulty communicating

- Is currently being seen, or agrees to be seen, by a speech pathologist who fits the
SpeechVive device and also has agreed to participate in the study

- Has a regular caregiver living with him/her

Exclusion Criteria:

- Neurological diagnoses (except Parkinson's disease)

- Bilateral hearing aids (since one free ear is required for use of the SpeechVive
We found this trial at
West Lafayette, Indiana 47907
Principal Investigator: Jessica E Huber, PhD
Phone: 765-494-6488
West Lafayette, IN
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Lafayette, Indiana 47905
Principal Investigator: Ashleigh Lambert, MS
Phone: 303-250-9190
Lafayette, IN
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