Suicidal Behavior in Patients Diagnosed With Bipolar Disorder

Conditions:Depression, Psychiatric
Therapuetic Areas:Psychiatry / Psychology
Age Range:18 - 64
Start Date:January 2016
End Date:December 2020
Contact:Dorian Lamis, PhD
Phone:(404) 616-3533

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Suicidal Behavior in Patients Diagnosed With Bipolar Disorder: The Roles of Biological and Childhood and Adult Environmental Risk Factors

The purpose of this study is to learn the environmental and psychological factors that impact
suicidality in patients diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder. Additionally, the study aims to
identify treatments to reduce the suicidal behavior and improve quality of life through a
6-week group-based intervention program.

The purpose of this study is to learn the environmental and psychological factors that impact
suicidality in patients with Bipolar Disorder. Additionally, the study aims to identify
treatments to reduce the suicidal behavior and improve quality of life through a 6-week
group-based intervention program. Groups will include topics such as interpersonal/social
rhythm and mindfulness interventions, as well as interventions focused on understanding and
changing thoughts to better cope with Bipolar Depression.

Inclusion Criteria:

- English speaking

- Diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder (BD)

- Able to provide written informed consent

Exclusion Criteria:

- Cognitive impairments

- Acutely psychotic

- Medically unstable

- History of schizophrenia spectrum disorder

- History of mood incongruent psychotic symptoms

- History of primary substance disorder

- History of primary organic disease and/or dementia
We found this trial at
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Principal Investigator: Dorian Lamis, PhD
Phone: 404-616-3533
Atlanta, GA
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