Uniting Couples In the Treatment of Eating Disorders (UNITE)

Conditions:Psychiatric, Psychiatric, Eating Disorder
Therapuetic Areas:Psychiatry / Psychology
Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:September 2014
End Date:September 2016
Contact:Jennifer Belus, M.A.

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Uniting Couples In the Treatment of Eating Disorders (UNITE): Pilot Study for a Couple-based Intervention for Binge-eating Disorder

The purpose of this study is to test the feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary
efficacy of a novel couple-based intervention for binge-eating disorder (BED).

Although current individual treatments exist for BED (e.g., cognitive-behavior therapy and
interpersonal psychotherapy) about 20% of individuals who complete treatment and who are
abstinent from binge eating post-treatment relapse within one year. In addition, dropout of
BED treatment is high (approximately 10 - 33%), indicating that a significant number of
individuals with BED fail to achieve relief from their symptoms. Couple-based interventions,
which enlist the support of a partner into the treatment setting, are effective for treating
anxiety and depression--frequently comorbid conditions with BED. Preliminary findings of
couple-based treatment for anorexia nervosa suggests it assists in reducing drop out and
improving outcome. Thus, the investigators developed a novel couple-based intervention for
adult BED (UNITE-BED Edition) and plan to investigate it in an open treatment trial to
examine it's feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary efficacy. Both patients and
partners will be involved in all psychotherapy sessions of the treatment. Couples' progress
will be followed for three months after completion of active treatment.

Inclusion Criteria:

Participant with BED:

1. Subject currently meets criteria for BED or sub-threshold symptoms, according to the
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th Ed)

2. Concurrent outpatient therapy and medical monitoring

3. Health insurance coverage

Both members of the couple:

1. English speaking and able to read

2. Involved in a committed relationship for at least 6 months regardless of sexual
orientation (couple is not required to live together)

3. Willing to participate in treatment

Exclusion Criteria:

Participant with BED:

1) Post-bariatric

Both members of the couple:

1. Alcohol or drug dependence in the last year

2. Current significant suicidal ideation

3. Severe depression that would seriously interfere with functional capacity

4. Developmental disability that would impair the ability to benefit from intervention

5. Any psychosis, schizophrenia, or bipolar I disorder, unless stably remitted on
maintenance therapy for at least 1 year

6. Moderate to high levels of physical violence from either partner as reported on the
Conflict Tactics Scale-2 at pre-treatment

7. Unwillingness to forgo non-protocol concurrent couples therapy

8. Previously participated in the preliminary couples treatment study UCAN: Uniting
Couples (in the treatment of) Anorexia Nervosa (NCT01740752)
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