International Pediatric Peritoneal Biopsy Study

Conditions:Renal Impairment / Chronic Kidney Disease
Therapuetic Areas:Nephrology / Urology
Age Range:Any - 21
Start Date:February 2011
End Date:March 2020
Contact:Claus P Schmitt, MD
Phone:+49 6221 56

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International Pediatric Peritoneal Biopsy Study in Children on PD and Healthy Controls

Within few years the peritoneal membrane of adult peritoneal dialysis (PD) patients undergoes
substantial morphological transformation, including progressive fibrosis, vasculopathy and
neoangiogenesis. Ultrafiltration capacity steadily declines and ultimately results in PD
failure. In children, peritoneal biopsies demonstrating PD associated alterations have not
yet been obtained. They, however, should be particularly informative, since secondary tissue
and vascular pathology related to ageing or diabetes is absent.

An international, prospective peritoneal membrane biopsy study in children on PD will
therefore be performed. Biopsies will be obtained at time of PD catheter insertion, on
occasion of intercurrent abdominal surgery (e.g. hernia repair, catheter exchange) and at
time of renal transplantation. Quantitative histomorphometry and tissue protein expression
analyses will be correlated with time integrated PD treatment modalities and functional
characteristics as well as inflammatory and cardiovascular comorbidity surrogate parameter.
Blood will be obtained during clinical routine sampling. Biopsies will be obtained during
clinically indicated operations, without substantially increasing operation time and
associated surgical risks. The detailed histomorphometry of the PD membrane will give
additional information, potentially impacting on the individual PD regime.

Please see study protocol and

Inclusion Criteria:

- Age 0 to 21 years. 0-70 years in patients with normal renal function

- CKD 5d, peritoneal dialysis and

- Patients with normal renal function and elective abdominal surgery due to limited
pathology not affecting the Peritoneum, 0-70 years

- Oral and written consent

Exclusion Criteria:

- Contraindications to peritoneal dialysis, such as severe abdominal adhesions,
malformations and inflammations

- Pregnancy

- Preterm babies (below 37 weeks of gestational age)

- If serum hemoglobin < 8 g/dl in children and < 10 g/dl in newborns
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