Comparison of Epidural and TAP Block in Abdominal Surgery

Conditions:Chronic Pain
Therapuetic Areas:Musculoskeletal
Age Range:19 - Any
Start Date:February 2014
End Date:August 2017
Contact:Lace D Petry, BSN

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Comparison of Epidural Analgesia With Bilateral Dual TAP Infiltration Block With Liposomal Bupivacaine in Patients With Major Abdominal Surgery

This study intends to examine this rational by comparing the infiltrative
transversusabdominis plane (TAP) block with liposomal bupivacaine to EA in major abdominal
surgery . The efficacy of the TAP block for abdominal surgery is well documented in the
literature (McDonnell 2007) (Kadam 2011), but there are no studies utilizing long-acting
bupivacaine. The investigators believe the primary outcome will demonstrate no difference
between the two in terms of pain scores and opioid consumption. The investigators anticipate
that patients who have undergone TAP blocks will have improved secondary outcomes with
respect to a decreased costs, urinary retention, and hypotension.

Inclusion Criteria:

- subject >/= 19 years of age

- Undergoing major abdominal surgery

- able to provide written informed consent

Exclusion Criteria:

- chronic opioid use

- allergies to amide anesthetics

- inability to undergo general anesthesia

- pregnancy

- any existence of contraindications to regional anesthesia in the presence of
antiplatelet or anticoagulative drugs

- or evidence of gross neurological dysfunction of the lower extremity
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Omaha, Nebraska 68198
(402) 559-4000
Principal Investigator: Thomas A Nicholas, MD
Phone: 402-957-3758
Univ of Nebraska Med Ctr A vital enterprise in the nation’s heartland, the University of...
Omaha, NE
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