Clinical Validation of New OCT System

Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:February 2013

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Topcon DRI OCT-1 Optical Coherence Tomography System for the Acquisition of Retinal Thickness Measurements and Ocular Images of the Posterior Chamber: Agreement and Precision Study

To demonstrate clinical substantial equivalence of DRI OCT-1 as comparable to the
commercially available Cirrus

Inclusion Criteria for Normal Group

1. Subjects 18 years of age or older on the date of informed consent

2. Subjects able to understand the written informed consent and willing to participate
as evidenced by signing the informed consent

3. Subjects presenting at the site with normal eyes (eyes without pathology)

4. IOP ≤ 21 mmHg bilaterally

5. BCVA 20/40 or better bilaterally

6. Both eyes must be free of eye disease

Exclusion Criteria for Normal Group

1. Subjects unable to tolerate ophthalmic imaging

2. Subject with ocular media not sufficiently clear to obtain acceptable OCT images

3. HFA visual field (24-2 Sita Standard, white on white) result abnormal, defined as GHT
'Outside Normal Limits' and/or PSD < 1%

4. HFA visual field (24-2 Sita Standard, white on white) result unreliable (based on
manufacturer's recommendation), defined as fixation losses > 33% or false positives >
25%, or false negatives > 25%

5. Presence of any ocular pathology except for cataract

6. Previous ocular surgery or laser treatment other than uncomplicated refractive
procedure or cataract surgery performed within six months prior to study scanning

7. Narrow angle

8. History of leukemia, dementia or multiple sclerosis

9. Concomitant use of hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine

Inclusion Criteria for Glaucoma Group

1. Subjects 18 years of age or older on the date of informed consent

2. Subjects able to understand the written informed consent and willing to participate
as evidenced by signing the informed consent

3. Subjects presenting at the site with glaucoma

4. BCVA 20/40 or better in the study eye

5. HFA visual field (24-2 Sita Standard, white on white) result abnormal, defined as GHT
'Outside Normal Limits' and/or PSD < 1% in the study eye

Exclusion Criteria for Glaucoma Group

1. Subjects unable to tolerate ophthalmic imaging

2. Subject with ocular media not sufficiently clear to obtain acceptable OCT images

3. HFA visual field (24-2 Sita Standard, white on white) result unreliable, defined as
fixation losses > 33% or false positives > 25%, or false negatives > 25% in the study

4. Presence of any ocular pathology except glaucoma in the study eye

5. Previous ocular surgery or laser treatment other than uncomplicated procedures
performed within six months prior to study scanning in the study eye

6. History of leukemia, dementia or multiple sclerosis

7. Concomitant use of hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine

Inclusion Criteria for Retina Disease Group

1. Subjects 18 years of age or older on the date of informed consent

2. Subjects able to understand the written informed consent and willing to participate
as evidenced by signing the informed consent

3. Subjects presenting at the site with retinal disease

4. IOP <= 21 mmHg in the study eye

5. BCVA 20/400 or better in the study eye

6. Diagnosis of some type of retinal pathology by investigator, may include, but not
limited to: Macular Degeneration, Diabetic Macular Edema, Diabetic Retinopathy,
Macular Hole, Epiretinal Membrane, Cystoid Macula Edema, and others

Exclusion Criteria for Retinal Disease Group

1. Subjects unable to tolerate ophthalmic imaging

2. Subject with ocular media not sufficiently clear to obtain acceptable OCT images

3. Presence of glaucoma or any ocular pathology other than a Retinal pathology (e.g.,
cornea pathology) in the study eye

4. Previous ocular surgery or laser treatment other than uncomplicated procedures
performed within six months prior to study scanning in the study eye

5. Narrow angle in the study eye

6. History of leukemia, dementia or multiple sclerosis

7. Concomitant use of hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine
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