Acupuncture for Urinary Incontinence

Conditions:Overactive Bladder, Urology
Therapuetic Areas:Gastroenterology, Nephrology / Urology
Age Range:Any

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Efficacy of Acupuncture in Treating Urinary Incontinence

This research study will evaluate the effectiveness of acupuncture in decreasing urinary
incontinence (involuntary urine loss) in women. The study will involve 12 acupuncture
sessions over 6 weeks. We will compare the effectiveness of acupuncture and sham (placebo)
acupuncture (a procedure in which the needle feels like it penetrates the skin, but is not
actually inserted into the body) on the frequency and volume of involuntary (accidental)
urine loss after completing the intervention, and again one month later. Individuals
participating in this study will be randomly assigned to receive either the actual or sham
acupuncture. Randomization means being assigned by chance, similar to flipping a coin.
Study participants will not know which group (actual or sham acupuncture) they were assigned
to until one month after completing the 6-weeks of treatment. The sham acupuncture needles
look similar to the real acupuncture needles and feel like they penetrate the skin, but do
not actually do so. If individuals are assigned to the sham acupuncture group, they will be
eligible to receive the actual acupuncture one month after completing the sham acupuncture.
All individuals will be followed for 6 months after completing the acupuncture treatments.

See Brief Summary

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