PET Imaging of Patients With Melanoma and Malignant Brain Tumors Using an 124I-labeled cRGDY Silica Nanomolecular Particle Tracer: A Microdosing Study

Status:Active, not recruiting
Conditions:Skin Cancer, Brain Cancer
Therapuetic Areas:Oncology
Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:January 2011
End Date:December 2019

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Current tests to detect cancer, including CAT scans and MRI scans, are limited. PET scans use
special dyes that are injected into a vein and can better localize possible cancer. The
investigators have developed a new particle that can carry a radioactive dye to a very
specific area of the tumor. When using a PET scan the radioactive dye can be viewed in areas
of possible disease. This particle has been studied in mice and was safe.

The particles will not treat the cancer and any images or information found during this study
will not be used for your treatment. The information collected may be used to guide the
design of future studies to detect and/or treat tumors.

Inclusion Criteria:

- 18 years of age or older

- Histologically confirmed diagnosis of melanoma or malignant brain tumor at MSKCC

- Newly-diagnosed or recurrent (local,regional, metastatic) metastatic melanoma or
malignant brain tumor patients with

- Residual clinically or radiographically evident tumor, including primary cutaneous and
mucosal melanomas or malignant brain tumor

- Prior radiation therapy, chemotherapy, or surgery in patients requiring flap
reconstruction in the head and neck region.

- Newly diagnosed patients with previous excisional biopsy.

- Normal baseline cardiac function based upon pre-operative evaluation

- At the discretion of the physician ANC>1000/mcl and platelets>100,000/mcl.

- At the discretion of the physician Bilirubin level of < 2.0 mg/dl in the absence of a
history of Gilbert's disease (or pattern consistent with Gilbert's).

- If patients have a history of malignancy other than melanoma or malignant brain tumor
they must be disease-free (excluding primary cancer for metastatic patients) for ≥ 5
years at the time of enrollment.

- All patients of childbearing and child-creating age must be using an acceptable form
of birth control

- Women who are pre-menopausal must have a negative serum pregnancy test

Exclusion Criteria:

- Abnormal thyroid function, such as untreated clinical diagnosis of hypothyroidism,
hyperthyroidism, or other thyroid disease

- Known pregnancy or breast-feeding.

- Medical illness unrelated to the tumor which in the opinion of the attending physician
and principal investigator will preclude administration of the tracer. This includes
patients with uncontrolled infection, chronic renal insufficiency, myocardial
infarction within the past 6 months, unstable angina, cardiac arrhythmias other than
chronic atrial fibrillation and chronic active or persistent hepatitis, or New York
Heart Association Classification III or IV heart disease.

- History of any malignancy (excluding primary cancer for metastatic patients) other
than melanoma or malignant brain tumors for which the disease-free interval is <5

- Allergic reaction to iodine-containing contrast material

- Weight greater than the 400-lb weight limit of the PET scanner

- Claustrophobia

- Inability to lie in the scanner for 30 minutes
We found this trial at
1275 York Ave
New York, New York 10021
(212) 639-2000
Principal Investigator: Michelle Bradbury, MD, PhD
Phone: 646-888-3373
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center — the world's oldest and...
New York, NY
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