Comparison of Two Approaches to Weight Loss Follow-Up Study

Conditions:Obesity Weight Loss
Therapuetic Areas:Endocrinology
Age Range:18 - 65
Contact:Diane Rosenbaum

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This is a follow-up research study to determine if there are any differences in the
long-term maintenance of two diet groups, the Atkins’ diet (low-carbohydrate) or the LEARN
program (low-fat). The Atkins’ diet continues to get a significant amount of popular
attention and very little scientific evaluation. Due to the small amount of scientific data
to support a low-carbohydrate diet and given the wide spread use of this type of diet, it is
important to evaluate the long-term safety and effectiveness of the Atkins’ diet.

We will evaluate whether there are any differences between these two groups 3-years after
participation in the initial 1-year study period. We will specifically assess weight,
cholesterol levels, glucose and insulin levels, and eating habits and mood as we did

***PLEASE NOTE: Only those who participated in the original study of low carbohydrate and
low fat diets are eligable for enrollment in this follow-up study***

Inclusion Criteria

- Body mass index between 30 and 40

- Live and work within 1 hour of the study site

- Stable psychological status Exclusion criteria

- History of heart disease, heart attack, or stroke

- Blood pressure >140/90 mmHg

- Abnormal cholesterol levels

- Significant psychiatric illness

- Any medication that affects weight or metabolic rate

- Presence or history of a chronic disease that is known to affect appetite, food
intake, or metabolism (i.e., diabetes, thyroid disease, or cancer)

- Currently using antidepressants, steroids, tobacco, or illegal drugs

- Pregnant, breastfeeding, or planning pregnancy

- 10 lb change in weight within 6 months of study entry

- History of malignant arrhythmias or cerebrovascular, renal, or hepatic disease

- History of protein wasting diseases or gout

- Severe arthritis

- Osteoporosis

- Certain types of hormone replacement therapy

- Currently following a vegetarian diet
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