Laser Therapy for Perioral Dermatitis

Therapuetic Areas:Dermatology / Plastic Surgery
Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:November 1, 2018
End Date:April 1, 2019
Contact:Rachael Hagen, BS

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Perioral dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin around the mouth. The cause of perioral
dermatitis is unknown. Current treatment methods include oral antibiotics and topical
calcenurin inhibitors, both of which produce side effects and have been relatively
ineffective in the treatment of perioral dermatitis. The investigators hope to assess the
efficacy of laser therapy in treatment of perioral dermatitis by using laser therapy on one
half of the patients face and having patients apply topical medication (clindamycin) to their
face for 8 weeks. The side of their face that receives laser therapy will be randomized. The
investigators will assess the efficacy of laser therapy by counting the number of lesions
that patients have before and after laser therapy, comparing photos of patient's perioral
dermatitis before and after treatment, and having patient's rate their satisfaction of the

Inclusion Criteria:

- age 18 years or older

- perioral dermatitis for greater than 1 month

- willing to return for follow-up visits 2 weeks, 4 weeks and 8 weeks following

Exclusion Criteria:

- skin type V or VI (due to risk of hyperpigmentation)

- pregnant

- breastfeeding

- unable to understand English

- mentally impaired

- incarcerated
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Morgantown, West Virginia 26501
Phone: 304-285-7464
Morgantown, WV
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