A Study to Assess the Safety of GRF6019 Infusions in Subjects With Severe Alzheimer's Disease

Conditions:Alzheimer Disease
Therapuetic Areas:Neurology
Age Range:60 - 95
Start Date:January 15, 2019
End Date:November 2019
Contact:Alkahest Clinical Trials

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A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study to Assess the Safety and Tolerability of Pulsed GRF6019 Infusions in Subjects With Severe Alzheimer's Disease

This study will evaluate the safety, tolerability, and potential cognitive benefit of the
experimental treatment GRF6019 in subjects with severe Alzheimer's disease.

This is a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study to assess the safety,
tolerability and potential cognitive benefit of GRF6019, a human plasma protein fraction.
GRF6019 or placebo will be administered intravenously to subjects with severe Alzheimer's
disease every day for 5 consecutive days. The total study duration for each subject is
approximately 9 weeks.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Diagnosis of probable AD according to the National Institute on Aging-Alzheimer's
Association (NIA-AA) Criteria

- MMSE Score 0-10 inclusive

- Modified Hachinski Ischemia Scale (MHIS) score of 4 or less

- Provided a signed and dated informed consent form (either the subject and/or subject's
legal representative)

Exclusion Criteria:

- Evidence of clinically relevant neurological disorder(s) other than probable AD

- History of blood coagulation disorders or hypercoagulability; any concurrent use of an
anticoagulant therapy. (e.g., heparin, warfarin, thrombin inhibitors, Factor Xa
inhibitors). Use of antiplatelet drugs (e.g., aspirin or clopidogrel) is acceptable.

- Unstable coronary heart disease, e.g. myocardial infarction or severe or unstable
angina in the 6 months prior to dosing.

- Moderate to severe congestive heart failure (New York Association Class III or IV).

- Poorly controlled high blood pressure (systolic blood pressure of 160 mmHg or higher
and/or diastolic blood pressure of 100 mmHg or higher) despite treatment during the 3
months prior to dosing, or treatment refractory high blood pressure, defined as
treatment requiring 3 or more antihypertensives from different classes.

- Prior hypersensitivity reaction to any human blood product or intravenous infusion;
any known clinically significant drug allergy.

- Treatment with any human blood product, including transfusions and intravenous
immunoglobulin, during the 6 months prior to screening.

- History of immunoglobulin A (IgA), haptoglobulin or C1 inhibitor deficiency; stroke,
anaphylaxis, or thromboembolic complications of intravenous immunoglobulins.

- Hemoglobin <10 g/dL in women; and <11 g/dL in men.
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