Assessment of Coagulation Factor Levels in Left Ventricular Device (LVAD )Patients Following Temporary Warfarin Reversal With Four Factor Prothrombin Complex Concentrate (4F-PCC)

Age Range:18 - 80
Start Date:February 7, 2018
End Date:March 31, 2020
Contact:Jean M Connors, MD

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Assessment of Coagulation Factor Levels in LVAD Patients Following Temporary Warfarin Reversal With 4F-PCC

Prospective assessment of vitamin K dependent coagulation factor levels after temporary
warfarin reversal in participants with left ventricular assist devices (LAVD).

Prospective evaluation of the levels of the vitamin K dependent coagulation factors 2,7,9,10,
and proteins C and S, in patients on warfarin treated with four factor prothrombin complex
concentrate (4F-PCC). Participants on vitamin K antagonists (VKA) such as warfarin have
suppressed levels that are brought to the normal range with treatment with 4F-PCC to reverse
the warfarin effect. The investigators will assess the duration of effect of 4F-PCC on these
factor levels in participants with left ventricular assist devices (VAD) requiring temporary
reversal of warfarin for invasive procedures that have a risk of bleeding. The investigators
will also assess the time to return to therapeutic INR..

Inclusion Criteria:

- LVAD on warfarin requiring temporary interruption of anticoagulation for procedures

Exclusion Criteria:

- recent thrombotic event
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