Cancer Care in the National Cancer Institute Center for Cancer Research

Status:Enrolling by invitation
Therapuetic Areas:Oncology
Age Range:18 - 100
Start Date:April 20, 2004

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Care of the Adult Oncology Patient, CCR, NCI

This study provides cancer care through the National Cancer Institute's Medical Oncology
Branch (MOB) to patients who are not enrolled in an active treatment research protocol.
Patients receive standard treatments only; no investigational therapies are provided on this

Patients 18 years of age and older may be eligible for this protocol. Candidates are patients
for whom an NCI investigator decides that the interests of the patient and the NCI are best
served by the patient's enrollment in this protocol to receive care and follow-up within the
MOB. This includes patients in the following categories:

- Patients previously enrolled in NCI trials whose participation in this protocol may
continue to provide researchers important scientific information

- Patients who will be eligible for a research protocol within the foreseeable future

- Patients whose medical welfare will be seriously compromised by referral back to the
community, such as patients with a rare or complex disease for which community resources
are inadequate or unavailable

- Terminally ill patients who have received most of their specialized medical care at the
Clinical Center and for whom humanitarian considerations dictate that they continue to
receive their medical care at NIH after going off study for the remaining weeks or
months of life

- Patients with cancer or HIV, or people at risk for cancer or HIV for whom cancer
treatments at the NCI are requested through the MOB consult service

- Patients who are participating in a non-treatment NCI research protocol and require
standard-of-care therapy

- Patients with cancer or HIV or people at risk for cancer for whom cancer treatment or
management at the NCI would add significant value to the institute's cancer training

Participants receive standard medical care, including periodic routine laboratory tests,
diagnostic x-rays, and nuclear medicine scans to monitor the course of illness and the
effects of any treatment.


It may be in the interest of the Center for Cancer Research (CCR) to evaluate treat and/or
follow certain subjects who are not currently enrolled on an active research protocol.


The objective of this protocol is to add value to the medical or surgical oncology training
programs by providing consult, treatment and medical follow-up for NCI patients and other
Institute consult patients not currently enrolled on an active research protocol.


It is in the best interests of the subject and the CCR for the subject to receive a medical
evaluation, treatment or to donate cellular products at the NCI, NIH Intramural Research


No investigational therapies will be administered on this study. This protocol is not a
platform to perform pilot studies of off-label uses for standard agents.

This protocol will provide the administrative vehicle to provide cancer care for patients in
the intramural research program.

This protocol will provide the administrative vehicle for NCI investigators to provide
consult services to patients not otherwise enrolled on an NCI protocol.

Medical/surgical/radiotherapeutic care, treatment and follow-up is provided for subjects who
are not currently enrolled on an active protocol.


Patient must be age 18 or older.

A CCR investigator decides that it is in the best interest of the patient and the CCR for
the subject to receive consult treatment and/or follow-up at the NCI/NIH.

Related cell therapy donors for patients previously transplanted on an NCI trial who
require non-investigational diagnostic studies and/or therapies for transplant-related
complications that arise urgently and/or are unable to be addressed on an existing NIH
treatment protocol or by providers outside the NIH.

The patient or their Legally Authorized Representative is able and willing to provide
informed consent. Note, participants who can expect to receive no direct benefit on this
study (i.e. donors) may not consent through an LAR.


Participants who are receiving an investigational therapy.

Donor participants who unable to provide the informed consent.
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